Bee protection or not
Bienenschutz oder doch nicht
9 years ago
Supplementary information
Declarable substances
9 years ago
Supplementary information
Declarable substances
9 years ago
This is incredibly disappointing from Migros. I can no longer take the whole thing with M-Generation and the apparently only apparent efforts for more environmental and animal protection seriously.....
9 years ago
When will Migros take action and remove the products in question from its range?
9 years ago
I'll pass the question on again and inquire about the plans.
Best regards
9 years ago
Hello everyone
I have received the following information from those responsible for the product range: Articles with the active ingredient lambda-cyhalothrin are gradually being replaced, but this is currently not always possible due to a lack of alternatives in the insecticide sector.
Kind regards
9 years ago
Articles with the active ingredient lambda-cyhalothrin are gradually being replaced ...
Oh, why are they being replaced? Is it because they are harmful to bees? Ok, that would be an argument, but why hasn't the status of the promise to Noah been updated? The population should not be lied to with a "target fulfilled" when it has obviously not yet been fulfilled.
Let's take another look at what Migros published about this:
All products that have been delivered from the distribution centers to the stores since the end of 2014 no longer contain any active ingredients that are critical to bees.
But this is obviously not true, just as it is not true that the target has already been met.
Dear Tanja_Migros, please be so kind as to ensure that the obvious lies from the Generation M side disappear or are replaced by the truth.
Greetings from the yellow Migi piglet
9 years ago
@deactivated user
Do you really expect that? Migros is supposed to correct an obvious misstatement and thereby possibly win back the trust of consumers? Unfortunately, credibility and Migros don't go together, what a shame. So I can rather imagine it snowing in summer gggggg
Let's try it like this
Question to Migros:
Why is the current status of the promise to Noah not set straight, since it is demonstrably false?
I am looking forward to the answer
9 years ago
Do you really expect that? Of course, or do you find it illegitimate to expect not to be lied to or deceived by Switzerland's largest retailer? Perhaps this could be described as naïve, especially when you consider all the other things Migros does, but it is not illegitimate.
Leaving the result in its current form (shown above) means lying to and deceiving customers, because a customer who does not know this forum could assume that the insecticides currently on offer are not critical for bees. Most probably many of the forum users represented here also assume this. There are quite a few who criticize my posts because of their length and the resulting length. Just today I read again from the Imperator, who obviously finds it difficult to grasp more complex content that has more lines than a 0815 Blick article. The danger that Blick-impaired, uninformed or uneducated customers will buy insecticides from Migros and mistakenly consider them not to be critical of bees is therefore potentially present and must be rated highly.
Migros should correct an obvious misstatement and thereby possibly win back the trust of consumers? Exactly. It would be good for credibility if Migros stood by obvious misstatements and corrected the result based on new findings. In this way, Migros should also communicate the failure to achieve or the downgrading of this target. When it comes to cover-ups, distortions of the truth or whitewashing other blunders, the Migros marketing experts always prove to be very imaginative.
Researching the compatibility of various chemical substances with beneficial organisms is a time-consuming business. It is therefore quite possible that a substance is currently classified as harmless, but in a few years' time it is proven to be harmful to bees. Migros is then obliged to take these products off the shelves again in accordance with its promise. Ultimately, it is neither the fault of the boy pictured above nor that of the consumer that Migros did not think properly about its promise.
We only offer insecticides and pesticides that do not endanger bees.
This promise leaves Migros absolutely no room for maneuver. A promise is a promise, even if the orange giant now wishes it was just a slip of the tongue. :-)
Greetings from the yellow Migi piglet
9 years ago
In my opinion...
Nothing more than empty promises on the part of Migros.
9 years ago
@Tanja_Migros and everyone from Migipedia, M-Generation, Migros in general
Repeat my question
Why is the current status of the promise to Noah not corrected, as it is demonstrably false?
I look forward to a satisfactory, clear answer, thank you
9 years ago
Found on Generation-M
Controlling the promises
Migros has formulated its goals as a promise to the generation of tomorrow. Progress in implementing the sustainability goals is reviewed twice a year and published here.
Twice a year, the Sustainability & Issue Management Directorate monitors the extent to which the individual goals have already been implemented. The results of this half-yearly monitoring are presented internally to the Executive Board and all cooperative, industry and company managers. This takes place in the spring and fall. The current status of our promises as at 31.12.2015 (PDF, 775 kB)
News article on controlling
Independent review by the internal audit department
Migros also has the internal controlling of Generation M reviewed by an internal audit. Mitreva Interne Revision AG audits the Generation M controlling. It provides independent and objective consulting and auditing services for the Federation of Migros Cooperatives (FMC). Mitreva reports directly to the Audit Committee of the Board of the Federation of Migros Cooperatives. Mitreva ensures that the audit process and the documentation of the results are carried out correctly and that the figures are comprehensible. The status of the targets is only communicated after the audit by Mitreva.
The results of the controlling can be accessed at any time on the website: It is communicated for each promise whether a target is on track or not. In the target year, implementation can then either be achieved or not. With the help of a status traffic light, the status of each promise is visible at a glance. A short additional text provides an explanation of the result of the review. There is also an overview of the achievement of all promises.
WWF quote
"Communicating goals is easy. But making it public whether you have achieved them takes courage: you can't always keep your promises. But it is precisely this openness that makes a company truly credible." - Thomas Vellacott, CEO WWF Switzerland
So far so good. I don't want to judge, but please adjust the traffic light system!
The goal has not been achieved, it is on track
What's so difficult about that? The text could read something like this.
"Due to new findings, the goal has not yet been reached, but we are doing everything we can to keep our promise to Noah."
Plus instructions on how to easily create a mixed culture in the bed so that every hobby gardener at least gets a nudge towards bee-friendly gardening.
So, dear controlling managers, why is the stand not adapted?
Honesty, openness, credibility