Product testers wanted
Have new products sent to your home free of charge. Test and rate them.

Test for free: Barebells Cookies & Cream Protein Bar
The Barebells Cookies & Cream Protein Bar is crunchy and soft at the same time! The soft cookie dough center is covered in milk chocolate and crispy cookie crumbles. Inspired by the most popular cookie in American history, this Barebells bar satisfies all cravings for a sweet treat. And without any regrets – because each bar contains 20 grams of protein and no added sugar. We are looking for 200 people who would like to test the Barebells Cookies & Cream Protein Bar free of charge and then give us their opinion by writing a review on

Free taste-testing: new Farmer bars with peanuts
Switzerland's favourite cereal bar now comes in two new varieties, each of which promises a full load of peanut power. Would you like to try a bar with either peanuts and caramel or peanuts and chocolate chips, and then share your opinion on Migipedia? If so, register today! With a little luck, you'll soon find it in your letterbox.

Test a BIBS dummy and dummy box for us
We are looking for 10 testers for a free BIBS package each, consisting of a dummy and a dummy box. The package is available in blue for babies from 0 to 6 months, while the package is available in green for babies from 6 to 12 months. It's advisable to apply now. We wish you good luck in the draw and hope you enjoy testing the products. We look forward to reading your valuable review on