Hello Migros
For allergy sufferers/intolerant people it would be a great help to put the ingredients of the bread rolls on the back of the labels! Coop does it too!
Hello Migros
For allergy sufferers/intolerant people it would be a great help to put the ingredients of the bread rolls on the back of the labels! Coop does it too!
Good idea
Bread quality from Migros has declined in recent years
We only buy air
or has nobody noticed that the bread has almost no weight anymore
and gets hard faster ?????
What is this?????????
what do you think ?????
Hello Sunnestern
We have already forwarded your request to those responsible. A description like this would certainly help many allergy sufferers. I hope with you that such information will soon be found on the labels.
Price watchdog: The discussion about the quality of Migros bread has come up before. So you are not alone in your opinion. Daniel from Migros has provided some background information on bread production in Migros bakeries in this thread: http://www.migipedia.ch/de/forum/migros-brot-ist-nicht-mehr-gut
Best regards
Tanja, Migipedia team
@Tanja: thank you very much! :-)
Re. I can't share Preisueberwacher's opinion on bread, but I only buy Silserkranz or St
Galler :-)
i'd also like to say something about bread: i've been wondering for a long time (and i've mentioned it here before!
weekend, shortly before closing time: why aren't the breads sold at a reduced price? why do you have to throw so many away afterwards? other wholesalers also sell bread at a reduced price - why not you, migros? of course, i can imagine that more people will come towards the end of the sales period - but i think that this effect will be small. because 1. not all people want to rush into the store at the last minute. 2. other people would rather pay the full price and not have to rush - it's just not worth it to them.
what do you think?
I too have often stood in despair in front of the open rolls because perhaps only 20% were labeled. And unfortunately it is often the case that the signs are not attached to the correct rolls and everything is somehow mixed up... :-(
@Kathrin: Yes, I've also wondered why they don't do that? I've also seen a car from the Schweizertafel drive up after closing time and load several boxes of bread! What I have unfortunately already seen at my little Migröli around the corner made me a bit angry/sad! Masses of bread in the pallet waste frame :(!
@ Duskyblue: Oh yes, tell me about it... I often feel the same way and the closer it gets to closing time the bigger the mess :-/
@Kathrin, do you think that if 10 customers normally buy 8 loaves of bread (at the regular price) on Saturday, the remaining 2 customers will also buy one loaf each towards the end of opening hours because it's cheaper? I think it will be like the extended opening hours: in the rarest of cases, sales will increase, but the purchases will be more spread out.
I would even put up for discussion here whether someone who says "oh, I'll take another loaf of bread because it's half price" then doesn't eat everything at home, but throws something away. And then it would just be a postponed problem, with the educational message "the bread is no longer worth its price at the end of the day".
Instead, I would call for the "courage to take a gap". When I go to the station Co-op on a Sunday, or 10 minutes before closing time on a Saturday, I simply no longer expect the bread baskets, fish and meat displays, vegetable stalls, etc. to be full.
yes, you're not entirely wrong. personally, i would buy a half-price loaf and then freeze it. besides, you can also prepare countless delicious dishes with stale bread: fotzelschnitte, croutons, breadcrumbs, chriesimichel, apple rösti, chässchoope etc. :-)
@ Luisa_kY: Yes, I would also be in favor of having less in the racks and not just on Saturdays but also on the other days of the week! Some of the racks are almost bursting and the trend of having fresh bread etc. every day or not being able to eat yesterday's leftovers is pretty annoying :-/...
@ Kathrin: On the other hand, I have to agree with you Kathrin, I would probably do the same and yes, you can really conjure up many delicious dishes with stale bread :-)!!!!
Well, the choice is pretty limited in the evening. That's clear and okay, but I'm really happy when there's still something available because I simply can't shop beforehand during the week.