Product tests
Fenchelini has participated in 12 product tests.
Test festive Pralinés du Confiseur from Frey
21’994 participations
Perfect for Christmas: sample cookies
14’166 participations
100 pasta testers wanted🍝
18’950 participations
Dessert idea: Try ‘Torta della Nonna’ for free
15’352 participations
Try it now: Aproz with a fruity flavour kick
16’184 participations
Try our new butter hearts for free!
12’073 participations
Want to discover Asian culinary diversity for free? 🍜
9474 participations
100 testers wanted to try new NON beers free of charge
19’052 participations
Wanted! We’re looking for 100 people to try the new cold brew ICE TEA
15’275 participations
Fancy a free sample of the new Fannie chocolate Easter bunnies?
25’346 participations
Espresso Supremo: Test the new variety of coffee balls now
1580 participations
Gratis testen: Die neuen V-Love Kugeln Choco Coco
9927 participations
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