Hello, I have a suggestion for a product that would certainly be a hit. https://www.president.de/produkte/butter/meersalzbutter-250-g/ What do you think? Greetings René
Hello, I have a suggestion for a product that would certainly be a hit. https://www.president.de/produkte/butter/meersalzbutter-250-g/ What do you think? Greetings René
Why not one of at least 4 Swiss butters with salt? https://migipedia.migros.ch/en/204207700000-204207600200?utm_source=www.migros.ch&utm_medium=owned&utm_content=mo-produktlink&_gl=1*15pnx4y*_ga*NzcyMTg3NDExLjE1MTI1NDI4MTI.*_ga_NG5215CBH5*MTY3MzI1MjU4Ni4yNzkuMS4xNjczMjUyODAyLjAuMC4w https://migipedia.migros.ch/en/204209000100-archived-1?utm_source=www.migros.ch&utm_medium=owned&utm_content=mo-produktlink&_gl=1*1gtapaq*_ga*NzcyMTg3NDExLjE1MTI1NDI4MTI.*_ga_NG5215CBH5*MTY3MzI1MjU4Ni4yNzkuMS4xNjczMjUyNzU3LjAuMC4w https://migipedia.migros.ch/en/204207800300?utm_source=www.migros.ch&utm_medium=owned&utm_content=mo-produktlink&_gl=1*13jxfzt*_ga*NzcyMTg3NDExLjE1MTI1NDI4MTI.*_ga_NG5215CBH5*MTY3MzI1MjU4Ni4yNzkuMS4xNjczMjUyNzE2LjAuMC4w https://migipedia.migros.ch/de/gesalzene-butter?utm_source=www.migros.ch&utm_medium=owned&utm_content=mo-produktlink&_gl=1*1wbu5w1*_ga*NzcyMTg3NDExLjE1MTI1NDI4MTI.*_ga_NG5215CBH5*MTY3MzI1MjU4Ni4yNzkuMS4xNjczMjUyNTg5LjAuMC4w
Good tip, thank you. I hadn't found any with stored salt yet. I'll try a Swiss salt butter then
Good tip, thank you. I hadn't found any with stored salt yet. I'll try a Swiss salt butter then
https://www.migros.ch/en/product/204209000100?context=instore unfortunately it's not available in stores near me, so I'll have to move to Germany for better or worse, what a shame
Oh how annoying in my region every store has them, even the smallest 1M stores that must be a regional thing. It's fine, but for budget reasons I sprinkle salt over the cheaper butter, but can really recommend it if it does turn up somewhere near you😅
It is emblazoned with the "From the region. For the region." logo on it, so this butter is really only available in the GMO. Two others that you recommend are also CoR products. Except for this one: https://migipedia.migros.ch/en/204207700000 which should be available nationwide, but is not really available in stores throughout Switzerland.
https://www.migros.ch/en/product/204209000100?context=instore unfortunately it's not available in stores near me, so I'll have to move to Germany for better or worse, what a shame
Hi hermie66, thanks for your suggestion. Indeed, all salted butters are regional products (@Bodenseeknusperli thanks for the links!). The one you are looking for is only available in Eastern Switzerland. Where do you shop? Then I'll ask the cooperative. Best regards, Mia
Hi hermie66, thanks for your suggestion. Indeed, all salted butters are regional products (@Bodenseeknusperli thanks for the links!). The one you are looking for is only available in Eastern Switzerland. Where do you shop? Then I'll ask the cooperative. Best regards, Mia
mostly in Fislisbach, the good thing about my suggested salted butter is the stored salt, that's what makes it :-)
mostly in Fislisbach, the good thing about my suggested salted butter is the stored salt, that's what makes it :-)
perhaps I should launch an equivalent local product myself ;-)
And I thought that regional products are only displayed in Migipedia if they are for the whole of Switzerland, so Migros always says that when you search for something? or does ADRIDR not necessarily stand for really only from my place of residence - Migros has long since explained otherwise. It could also be from Basel or something like that if it doesn't exist here. Someone should understand what applies when and how. Nadann exgüsii I will no longer link products and Migros just take the other product in - all of Switzerland because it's not from the region either😅
It's just a Chrüsimüsi. In principle, CoR or other regional products are not listed, but there are exceptions - for whatever reason. And CoR does not necessarily mean from your immediate place of residence, but at least from the economic region of the respective cooperative. In the case of GMO, this can therefore be from SH, TG, ZH, SG, AI, AR and GR. In rare cases, there are also regional overlaps. Example: Knutwiler drinks are available as CoR products in both Migros Lucerne and Aare, but it is unlikely that GMO will have CoR products from Basel in its range... The label "From the region. For the region." was originally a Migros Lucerne concept and was adopted by the other cooperatives over time due to its great success.
Migros doesn't have to have it. Aldi and REWE have had it for decades. This butter comes from Normandy. The packaging would be too nice for Migros. Because if it had this next to the other dead blocks in its display, their bland packaging would be even more painful to the eye of aesthetes. Migros would simply have to revise all its packaging from an aesthetic point of view. There are plenty of experts for this. For the price and the margin, it should be possible.
perhaps I should launch an equivalent local product myself ;-)
But beware, salted butter used to be the standard, as it requires less refrigeration, and is now long "out". As I said, one of the Migros products is available nationwide. However, the fact that not all stores stock it has to do with LACK of demand. --> So you could run aground if you can't launch some "trendy" thing out of it. Are you perhaps an influencer? Then good luck with promoting it. Postscript: In Peru, which I know well because I lived there, salted butter was the standard until recently (around 2005/10). But since many households, especially urban ones, especially in Lima, have been able to afford refrigerators, it is slowly disappearing, although I love it. The butter there is either rock salt or sea salt, both of which are incredibly good. As I said, you have to like it, otherwise you'll immediately switch to the "sweet", unsalted variety, unfortunately.
But beware, salted butter used to be the standard, as it requires less refrigeration, and is now long "out". As I said, one of the Migros products is available nationwide. However, the fact that not all stores stock it has to do with LACK of demand. --> So you could run aground if you can't launch some "trendy" thing out of it. Are you perhaps an influencer? Then good luck with promoting it. Postscript: In Peru, which I know well because I lived there, salted butter was the standard until recently (around 2005/10). But since many households, especially urban ones, especially in Lima, have been able to afford refrigerators, it is slowly disappearing, although I love it. The butter there is either rock salt or sea salt, both of which are incredibly good. As I said, you have to like it, otherwise you'll immediately switch to the "sweet", unsalted variety, unfortunately.
I can't do anything with influencers, I work something "real" ;-). I already use unsalted butter with jam/honey, but a sandwich topped with tomatoes and salted butter is really something special. Long story short, I'll look elsewhere, it's not really an urgent problem.