Newly created: Welcome to the new Migipedia forum

Neu gebaut: willkommen im neuen Migipedia-Forum

After a three-month beta phase, the time has come to welcome you exclusively to the new Migipedia forum. I already introduced some of the new features at the launch of the beta phase. I would like to mention the most important points again:

  • The new forum’s design is more in keeping with the rest of Migipedia.

  • Categories have been given greater importance. You will find the last three discussions in the respective categories on the forum homepage and by clicking on them you can access all discussions in a specific category.

  • All language versions combined. Machine translations means we no longer have to differentiate between German, French, Italian and English. There is now just one forum and each user writes in one of the four languages indicated above – whichever they feel most comfortable using. The system then does all the translation work. Contributions in other languages are marked accordingly.

  • Pinning posts. If a topic is being hotly and extensively discussed or if we want to draw your attention to a specific topic, new posts can be pinned to the homepage.

  • Your feedback has been incorporated
    The beta phase proved extremely valuable. Thank you all for your suggestions on changes and improvements. And Migipedia wouldn’t be Migipedia without actually incorporating some points into future development. For example, various people requested access to all discussions. We have now met this requirement. At the bottom of the forum homepage is a category called ‘Latest posts’. This enables you to go to a page containing all posts by clicking on ‘Show all’. And by scrolling down even further, you can also display all posts in the black boxes by clicking on ‘All’. If you don’t like the new, categorized homepage, you can simply save the view with all the posts and make it your own Migipedia forum homepage. We are also currently developing a new, improved search function for the forum. This point was also raised several times.

    Getting used to the new forum may take a little time, but I’m sure you will soon get there. We remain open to suggestions on changes and improvements. Simply post them here in the forum or use the feedback form above.

    I hope you enjoy using the new Migipedia forum and engaging in lots of interesting discussions.

    Best regards
