8 years ago
I also always find it funny when people who are committed to clearing up and remedying grievances are criticized by saying that there are even worse grievances (elsewhere) that need to be dealt with.
Under this premise, I could specialize as a pickpocket and make a living from it with a clear conscience. If someone accuses me of this, I will defend myself by saying that other criminals beat people to death to get their money. So please don't get upset...
In other words: pure kindergarten. If a child is caught doing something wrong there, they also say: "But the other person has done much worse things...". I used to think that this forum was mainly for adults. Lately I've been doubting that more and more often.
8 years ago
@great12vol Sorry, I actually wanted to write you the answer as @ivan92 and not as @deactivated user. But what is it about ivan92's commitment that bothers you so much? I think it's important that we keep our eyes open everywhere. But I am also aware that there are worse things, but I have to act within a framework that is feasible for me. But I am also open to new ideas. I actually already have ideas that could be implemented, but which cannot be discussed on Migipedia. For an agriculture without poisons!!!
8 years ago
@FederwolkeCongratulationson being allowed to count yourself as an adult.
I guess that falls under self-congratulation.
Well, let me guess. You're not at all concerned with content and proportionality, but with going off on an intellectual tangent and telling others what you've always wanted to say.
Take a look around you at what's happening around us. Then Migros is simply a company that acts fairly and sustainably with regard to people and raw materials and, like all of us, makes mistakes.
I didn't say anything against clarification, but something about proportionality.
And another thing, do you have too much time on your hands to deal with intellectual sophistry?
8 years ago
@great12vol Since you don't seem to have a plan yet for what you want to do about these much worse abuses, it is disproportionate to criticize other ACTIVE people for what they do.
8 years ago
@ivan92Haveyou seen the movie "Demain". It was recently shown in Swiss-German cinemas.
It's one of the first documentary films about ecology that deals with solutions.
It shows people all over the world who have found solutions and are successfully implementing them.
This ranges from the Finnish free school system, with the best PISA result, to successful companies that trade ecologically, to a monetary system outside the legally permitted system, to eco-villages in India, to organic farms that produce several times more per hectare than intensive and highly productive agriculture.
Perhaps you will find something interesting for you and your topic?
8 years ago
Seems to be a nest somewhere where the trolls for this forum are just multiplying like fruit flies. Just ignore them. At least it's nice when they recognize themselves as trolls after the third post, with others it took much longer...
8 years ago
Hey guys, I'm not going to continue discussing at this level.
I've really tried to remain objective and not go below the belt.
Take care and always keep a sense of proportion.
8 years ago
Either you don't understand my point or you just don't want to understand it? Just because the Bud label is the best-known label for organic products in Switzerland doesn't mean that it can be used just like that. And certainly not if it is also used to advertise products that have been produced under less stringent conditions.
The Bud is a registered trademark:
8 years ago
And here is Bio Suisse's response to my email inquiry:
"(...) You are quite right, the use of our logo for all organic wines is not correct. We will discuss this with those responsible at Le Shop and put it right.(...)"
This "small" example shows us once again very clearly that Migros does not listen to its customers and will (presumably) only act if it comes from "above" or if it could be financially worthwhile for Migros. Hence the massive resistance to the promise to protect bees. Migros will probably only actively campaign against bee mortality if it would otherwise suffer financial damage or if it would come from "above" as before. I just wonder what kind of reputation Migros wants to have in the future. For me, at any rate, Migros is already on the boycott list. Only when Migros feels it through our actions, if not from "above", is there a chance that it will keep its promise.
With this in mind, let's take an ACTIVE stand for the bees and demand that Migros removes all products that are harmful to bees from its range, as promised! Until then, I personally will no longer buy anything from Migros! Thank you to all supporters who are also demanding that Migros remove the products in question from its range immediately and perhaps reconsider its dealings with Migros.
8 years ago
Migros reacted reluctantly and removed the buds in the LeShop. Thank you Bio Suisse.