9 years ago
Dear @ivan92
Thank you for your message. I'd be happy to find out for you, but I'm not sure whether I've understood the two questions correctly in context:
You want to know which wines carry the Bio Bud, correct? In what way do you think that a (specific?) wine is using the logo incorrectly? Or is it meant differently and I'm just reading it wrong?
Merci & best regards
9 years ago
Here is a picture of exactly where the buds are located:
8 years ago
Hello @ivan92
I just wanted to say briefly: I have forwarded your question, but unfortunately during the summer vacation period we sometimes have to wait a little longer for an answer. I'll let you know as soon as I receive a reply.
Best regards
8 years ago
Dear @ivan92
Thank you for your patience. As we head towards the weekend, I have now received the information we were waiting for.
The Swiss wines in this category bear the Bud label, the foreign wines are all organic wines, which were of course produced in accordance with the guidelines in force in the country of production. The Bud label was used for the category designation because it is the best known in this country and the organic logos look different in all countries. is aimed at Swiss consumers, they should be able to recognize immediately that organic wines can be found here.
Kind regards
8 years ago
@Karin_Migros It is not natural, as you write, that the foreign wines do not have Bio Suisse certification and if they show the Bud logo on the category picture of the organic wines and then also offer wines within the category that have been produced according to less strict rules, this is a deception of the customers, as it is largely not clear for the individual products according to which standard they have been certified (except where the Bud is visible on the product picture). I therefore want to know what Bio Suisse thinks about this and have sent them the following request and am now waiting for an answer from them. Maybe they think it's okay the way the buds are used?
P.S. And yes, I have NOTHING else to do! I'm sorry if I'm annoying some users of this forum. If Migros were a "clean company", this wouldn't be necessary. But Migros takes the piss out of its customers wherever it can, which is just too much for me!
Request to Bio Suisse (waiting for an answer):
I am annoyed by the fact that Migros shows the Bud in three different versions in the online store in the organic wine category picture, although only the Swiss organic wines in this category are certified with the Bud, but not the foreign wines. However, as this category is called "organic wines" and the buds are shown, it should actually be possible to assume that all wines in this category are certified with the Bud. Migros said that it uses this logo because it is the best known, but only the Swiss wines are certified by Bio Suisse, which I have checked and can confirm is the case. But in my opinion, the buds on the category picture should disappear. Perhaps you can arrange this, unless you disagree?
8 years ago
You can also get artificially upset and complain about anything and everything. Have you ever heard of a pictogram? If there's a sign with a crossed-out cigarette at the entrance to a building, do you also assume that you can smoke cherries, pipes and joints inside, but not cigarettes?
8 years ago
You're right @ivan92, in my opinion this is another label fraud. LeShop customers who are not as knowledgeable as you are order foreign wines because of the Bud label and believe they have bought a high-quality organic product, which is not the case at all.
Have a look at what foreign organic wines cost abroad. There's already a margin on them, but they're certainly much more expensive at LeShop. Migros is once again shamelessly exploiting the high-price island that is Switzerland and is also expanding its organic range by misrepresenting the facts and misappropriating the Bud label.
8 years ago
Hello @ivan92and@deactivateduser
I think it's good when there are people who think critically and take care of things like you do.
The scandal that has been taken up here seems to be real and really bad...
At the same time, because you are so involved here, glyphosate or under the brand name Roundup continues to be used all over the world, in developing countries as well as on your own doorstep. And I would like to sensitize you to something really scandalous.
Then a bud more or less (especially as it is obviously a simplification and not a deliberate deception or hoax) is secondary to the effects of the broad-spectrum herbicide mentioned and the machinations of the manufacturer Monsato.
Maybe, maybe not, you might think. What's it to me? You probably eat and drink it every day, unless you eat mainly organic products. But even with these there are no boundaries between fields that are sprayed by helicopter and those that are organically farmed.
Recently there was a report from Germany where the glyphosate level in beer was too high. However, the limit value was then quickly adjusted. The Council of States discussed this six months ago in a legislative period and decided that if the EU approves glyphosate, then we can confidently trust the product.
Only in the EU have voices been raised that glyphosate studies show irregularities or that access to the studies has been prevented. However, due to economic pressure, the EU will probably approve the authorization for a further period...!
There is a movie that can be found in the ARTE archive. It is called "Our daily poison". It mainly shows the effects of glyphosate and the machinations of Monsato. One example from the film: A farmer had repeated deaths among his cows. Interestingly, since he stopped using glyphosate and switched to organic farming, the deaths stopped.
That, dear people, is really, really important and requires all our strength and commitment to get it banned before we all die from the poison.
The bad thing is that I'm not exaggerating at all, unlike other inhabitants and especially companies on this planet, who are going way too far.
So long and before you respond to the topic raised, watch the movie, ok?
8 years ago
@great12vol: "This, dear people, is really, really important and requires all our strength and commitment to get it banned before we all die from the poison."
At least I'm doing something and not just chatting, or do you have concrete plans for how we can help you?
8 years ago
@deactivated userNo idea. I'm in the process of informing myself and others first.
And by the way, I'm doing the same as you, have you noticed?