M-Budget Internet option "Higher speed": 60% of the promised upload speed
M-Budget Internet Option „Höhere Geschwindigkeit“: 60% des versprochenen Upload-Speeds
On May 4, I was delighted to order the new "higher speed" option for my M-Budget Internet. 1,000 kbit/s instead of 500. Photo uploads now only take half as long! Super!
In the evening I was disillusioned. The speed test showed only 600 kbit/s. I've been trying to get the promised (and paid for) upload speed since May 4.
The problem is not with the DSL connection. The router shows 1'012 kbit/s. In addition, my photo upload is stable at 960 kbit/s for about 45 seconds, then the speed drops to 600 kbit/s. From my point of view, the connection is being pushed down to 600 kbit/s (traffic shaping).
I haven't heard anything from service.center@m-budget-dsl.ch since June 10. This is despite several contact attempts on my part.
I am aware that M-Budget Internet is not operated by Migros. Nevertheless, I hope that we will not only receive 60% of the promised performance from M-Budget in future.