Dear busy Migros employees, I have noticed your efforts to offer your open "Weggli" (no not "Brötchen" - I want to blybe bim Schwyzerdütsch) in many sales outlets now also pre-packed. I find this very exemplary and commendable in Corona times.
Unfortunately, when it comes to open pastries, there are always customers who don't reach for the pastry tongs, but reach into the container with their own grippers to fish out a Weggli (often touching other Weggli without being embarrassed).
My request to you, in the hope that the pastry tongs will then perhaps be used more often: - enough long chains on the tongs or more pastry tongs - tongs that can be opened wide enough so that a Büürli can also be gripped with them. Thank you for your constant improvements (I worked in the retail trade myself for a long time) and I know that it is not easy to fulfil all customer requests and wishes. All the best, Mamam