MIGROS promises the next generation that it is environmentally friendly and wants to reduce plastic waste, for example.
At the same time, Migros distributes completely stupid plastic waste in plastic bags in campaigns such as "Swiss Mania".
Insanely beautiful ... big talk in front and a mountain of garbage behind.
I have nothing against trying to give people in Switzerland a little better knowledge about buildings and places in Switzerland.
But if you use horrible plastic garbage that doesn't even fit together in scale ... and also make gross mistakes in the location assignments, then the whole thing becomes more than embarrassing!
Even as a 2-year-old, I would have "disposed" of the horrible garbage contained in the plastic bags ... "disposed" of it because it wouldn't have matched my model railroad in scale and is so shabby that you can't use it for anything...
And please stop with the constant "Switzerland" talk: it's enough when the Swiss cows poop in the clean Swiss yard in the Aldi commercials .... at some point the Swiss craze becomes extremely embarrassing.
Another unnecessary entry from you. The only thing that's embarrassing is you. But certain people just don't realize that.
@einrad007 You're acting like a "protector" of Swiss qualities here ... in an embarrassing way! ... You even insult the manufacturers of some food that you don't like to eat because it is supposedly produced abroad.
If you want to defend and glorify Switzerland ... then you should also notice that in the ALDi advertisement, a Swiss cow poops in the "clean" SWISS yard and that your beloved "SWITZERLAND" is being shat on.
It's the same when MIGROS puts together a game where certain Swiss landmarks are suddenly in the wrong canton.
You've turned on me and are constantly insulting me ... why? Because I told you that there are also good products from abroad and the latest crap from Switzerland?
We live in a global world ... the strange world view that everything that is Swiss is good is completely out of line.
Do you remember the Graubünden company that misdeclared the meat? ... I'm not saying that ALL Swiss companies cheat consumers.
It's quite simple ... Please express "constructive" opinions where they are appropriate and helpful ... and if you want to "complain" about me ... please go to this page https://community.migros.ch/m/Forum-Migipedia/Genug-ist-genug-braistuff/m-p/483479#U483479 and then just hit it with all your might ... that will reduce your aggression and you won't have to be ashamed!
Arrogance, know-it-alls, grumbling... You have only yourself to blame. As you call into the forest, so it calls back. Don't be surprised if you don't make any friends in Switzerland. There are many great Germans who live here and whom I appreciate. You are not one of them. The way you behave doesn't go down well here and you shouldn't be surprised if you are met with hostility... Just as a tip... Why don't you just go back and annoy Aldi, Lidl EDEKA etc.? ? If you behave normally, nobody would have a problem with you.
@enrad007 Racists like you all have a problem with me ... just by assigning me to a nation or a "race" and then peppering me. Soon you'll be calling me a "Jew" and asking when I'll finally be sent to a gas chamber? You're already sending me "back" ... to where? Are you hoping that the "Sauschwoben" still have a few gas chambers up their sleeves?
At no point did I claim that there aren't many "Germans" who are "great" ... just as there are still a few "Swiss" people who don't make racist jibes at people like YOU do here.
I don't need to "return" anywhere I don't come from because of Aldi and Lidl. I can also "annoy" them in Biel and Neuchâtel ... but it's not necessary ... the boss at the Aldi in Biel is great. Everything is clean there, he doesn't cheat me, it's all cleanliness and decency. He doesn't even bully his employees, who speak SCHRIFTDEUTSCH and not a word of Swiss German ... but he's no good for you. He even sells pasta from Italy and he's not looking for racists like you, who are constantly ranting about "foreigners", as "friends".
I have a good idea: you say that pasta from Italy almost killed you because it's not SWISS pasta ... There are scientists who say that you can die from imagining things. Now you just go inside yourself and think really hard about those awful pronto noodles ... and then ... subito ... you go back and go and whine to "St. Peter". Don't forget to rejoice and sing hosanna.
I know a solution: ALWAYS go shopping at Aldi, which is spotless and great and everyone is nice. Then you won't have to worry about Migros and Migros won't have to worry about you.... The problem is that nobody listens to you at Aldi.
@einrad You have some great ideas ... but they're not entirely new.
I already do almost 40% of my shopping at Aldi in Biel. And I'm going to increase that over the next few months. Even though it's not exactly on the other side of the street like Migros! But the Aldi is in the station ... and the train station in La Chaux-de-Fonds is only 50 meters away ... so I get on a train, work on the train on the way to Biel, then go shopping in the Aldi ... where I meet the nice sales clerk and his lovely, friendly and helpful sales assistants ... and when I send my friends there an e-mail with my shopping list ... almost all my shopping is already done. Even when I come back from Tirano late at night, I can collect my shopping from a locker.
And I don't have any trouble with "vouchers" either ... Aldi doesn't have any, you don't pay for it to get it back later, or not. The prices are NET ...
But of course you're right ... it's frustrating that I can't find a reason to "bitch" at the poor cashiers there and when I'm not being bitched at by them.
MIGROS has an additional problem ... when you shop at MIGROS, you expect to be treated very decently! You don't expect that at Aldi. If you are then treated much better at Aldi than you expect ... then MIGROS has a big problem: the customer, who expects much more from Migros, is extremely disappointed ... even if they are only treated "normally" at Aldi, they are more satisfied because they don't expect more.
You can like Migros or not. In the same way, you can like or dislike a product or a collection campaign. Everyone can and must decide for themselves.
If two opinions differ, there is only one acceptable style of discussion - at least on Migipedia - and that is factual, so please express your opinion, but refrain from personal insults or hurtful comments.
Thanks for sticking to it and have a relaxing Thursday afternoon.
Best regards
Sergio, Migipedia Team
@Sergio_migros I have not made any "unobjective" comments here. I am constantly bombarded with comments like "Arrogance, know-it-all, bitching.... You have only yourself to blame for that." and stupid "smylies"! I have specifically suggested that a thread be created in which enrad007 and others can, without being disturbed, have a go at me ... Here is the link:https://community.migros.ch/m/Forum-Migipedia/Genug-ist-genug-braistuff/m-p/483479#U483479.
If you also want to "reprimand" me, then please do it there.
But now back to the topic:
It's clear that there are people who love such filth as the Swiss-Mania plastic garbage. Migros is not completely stupid and has sunk a few million francs into buying this primitive plastic waste, into a website, into "maps" where some monuments are located in the wrong canton and into a huge advertising campaign.
The people who "take care" of their "littering" garbage in our streets, lakes, forests, pastures and fields don't mind that the garbage that Migros throws at people is then also thrown into the landscape or "disposed of" in expensive plastic garbage bags. Even our "organic" cows eat some of the dirt that WE produce, "consume" and throw away.
The people who produce and distribute and/or consume this dirt are always free to post THEIR views here in this forum. But please do so in the form of REAL arguments and not in the style of: "my little pants shit has now, thanks to the beautiful plastic stuff from Migros, learned where the Bundeshaus is" (where it is, that's already in Wikipedia). And not in the style of "arrogance, know-it-all, bitching" either.
Instead of you reprimanding me here too, please finally organize the data I need so that people here can form an opinion on the subject objectively:
1 how much did the plastic stuff and its plastic packaging cost Migros? 2 how many tons of this Swiss-Mania stuff has Migros distributed? 3 How is the plastic stuff "disposed of"? 4 What is Migros doing to ensure that the Swiss-Mania plastic stuff does not end up in nature ... for example after the Sunday picnic, after which the dirt often ends up in the nearest cow pasture. 5 How many cows have "died" this year from Swiss-Mania plastic parts and the like? 6 What can Migros say about the "sustainability" of these campaigns? How many parts end up in the bin during the campaign? How many items are only thrown away after the campaign has ended and how much of the stuff is kept "for later" and then used?
And then we come to a side issue ... which shows exactly what a dirty, filthy thing the whole thing is and how Migros is currently ripping people off with the wrong "culture": I uncovered an additional mess during this campaign. I discovered that the "scrapbook" in my MMM is only available in French. Since I'm unfortunately not as much of a grump as some people say here, I said to myself ... that's because few people here understand German (or Italian). I then asked the M-Infoline, very kindly and nicely, to get me the German-language edition and send it to the MMM Metropole information desk so that I could pick it up there........ They didn't even reply to me.
If you put on airs and graces like Migros and constantly blather on about culture, intergenerational projects and other "sustainable" ideas, then you have to put up with a customer and citizen telling you that it's a complete mess if you don't give people in a four-language country the opportunity to play supposedly "cultivating" games in the other national languages.
At the moment, what I miss about Migros is that they are not implementing all the nice "projects" that they supposedly want to implement, but that they are in the process of introducing a childish mania that is all about "playing up" and puffing themselves up.
Sergio ... please don't start going crazy now because I'm using you, or a completely unimportant detail concerning you, to point out something that is somehow sympthomatic ... I'm only doing this because it can be seen here without much explanation: your profile picture here is completely blurred ... Your attitude is just as blurred, and the "sustainability", "culture" and Migros' promises to future generations are just as blurred. And all these things ... are also ... like your profile picture, blurry "selfies" ... nothing is sharp and clear, nothing is thought through to the end, nothing is clean. And that applies not only to these topics and to Swiss-Mania, but even to the topic of "reduction vouchers". Almost everything is blurred and out of focus.
Please note that the above is not directed at you personally ... I just want to point out here that it has become fashionable in our society to present everything in a somewhat superficial, distorted and blurred way because people are basically afraid of being "offended".
If you analyze your text as a psychologist (again, this is not directed at you ... Your text is just a nice example of this problem and the misguided training behind it), then you realize that you are rebuking "enrad007" and me and softening it by starting with "dear" and then ending with "have a nice day".
When I tell someone that I don't like something, I say it honestly and very clearly: not "blurred". I once had a fellow student ... he had a really "funny" method when a few religious fanatics stood outside the door to harass him... He would say "Please, thank you, goodbye" and then slam the door. I don't even say "hello" in such situations ... but: OUT! To put it another way: I don't simulate friendliness, I make it quite clear where I'm going.
I expect Migros and its employees to clearly define their alleged goals and then stick to them. "Plastic waste" gifts at the counter and embarrassing, fuzzy talk about environmental protection don't go together.
PS and .... "you can either like Migros or not" is another blurry phrase: there's not just "like" and "don't like" ... not just "white" or "black" ... but there are lots of "shades" in between.