Action: Swiss Mania

Aktion: Swiss Mania


MIGROS promises the next generation that it is environmentally friendly and wants to reduce plastic waste, for example.

At the same time, Migros distributes completely stupid plastic waste in plastic bags in campaigns such as "Swiss Mania".

Insanely beautiful ... big talk in front and a mountain of garbage behind.

I have nothing against trying to give people in Switzerland a little better knowledge about buildings and places in Switzerland.

But if you use horrible plastic garbage that doesn't even fit together in scale ... and also make gross mistakes in the location assignments, then the whole thing becomes more than embarrassing!

Even as a 2-year-old, I would have "disposed" of the horrible garbage contained in the plastic bags ... "disposed" of it because it wouldn't have matched my model railroad in scale and is so shabby that you can't use it for anything...

And please stop with the constant "Switzerland" talk: it's enough when the Swiss cows poop in the clean Swiss yard in the Aldi commercials .... at some point the Swiss craze becomes extremely embarrassing.
