Aproz Bio Lemon ohne Zucker

  • Brand: Aproz
8.95 CHF|6 x 1l

Aproz Bio Lemon ohne Zucker

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4.655 ratings

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«Customers generally find the beverage to be very refreshing, appreciating its natural taste and the fact that it's sugar-free. Some reviews highlight its suitability for diabetics and as a low-calorie option. A few customers noted a preference for more flavor variety and a dislike for the artificial taste in some variants.»

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55 ratings

2 days ago

I think the new EU caps are absolute nonsense.

We Swiss have always recycled PET bottles with caps.

Why introduce this EU nonsense in Switzerland now? As a silent protest, I will be disposing of all PET bottles without caps from now on. I am disappointed with my Migros.

I hope I'm not the only Migros owner who is bothered by this.

3 days ago

Artificial taste

2 months ago

fruity and soooo fine

3 months ago

Very good. Lots of flavor without artificial sugar

3 months ago

Wonderfully refreshing - and sugar-free.

3 months ago

Absolutely great as a thirst quencher! No sugar, great. The tingling of the carbonic acid is very refreshing. Should not be missing from the stock, from spring to fall.

5 months ago

Very good

5 months ago

refreshing and calorie-free

5 months ago

Fresh and sparkling

6 months ago

Good quality.