YOU Skyr Nature

  • Brand: YOU
1.80 CHF|170g

YOU Skyr Nature

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18 questions

Which Skyr has more healthy milk bacteria, the organic You Skyr or the non-organic You Skyr?

Hello lschneider999, we apologize for the delay in replying, unfortunately the necessary clarifications took longer than expected. Unfortunately, we cannot give you a definitive answer. The manufacturers do not provide any information on the lactic acid bacteria content. The two products are produced by different manufacturers and the ingredients are also different. You Skyr nature is a low-fat quark product. This skyr is made from skimmed milk to which a thermophilic culture is added. This contains the following bacterial strains: Streptococcus thermophilus/ Lactobacillus bulgaricus/ Lactobacillus paracasei. Bio You Skyr is a yoghurt product. In addition to the conventional yoghurt bacteria Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus, other cultures are used which are not disclosed. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

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Why does the organic YOU Skyr Natur have more calories per 100 grams than the YOU Skyr Natur?

Hello Michi2000, we were happy to check the two cups and can tell you that both the You Skyr nature and the organic You Skyr nature contain 61kcal per 100g. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

Thank you eucj

Why do both YOU Skyr Natur have the same kcal per 100 grams, but different information for protein and carbohydrates? Which of the information is correct for protein and carbohydrates?

Hello Michi2000, both statements are correct. The products are not produced by the same manufacturer. While the You Skyr contains fewer carbohydrates and more protein, the organic You Skyr contains more carbohydrates and slightly less protein. As carbohydrates and protein contain the same amount of energy per gram (4kcal), both products ultimately contain the same number of calories. Best regards, your M-Infoline Team

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Why does YOU Organic Skyr Natur have different nutritional values to YOU Organic Skyr Natur?

Hi Michi2000, this can happen due to the different production processes. We have two suppliers who manufacture the products in a different way. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

I mean this YOU Skyr and the YOU Skyr Organic Nature

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Why in the Lugano area is it for sale only in downtown Lugano and Agno and not in other more convenient branches? A simple product I would like to find for example in Taverne, close to work. In the center it is unthinkable to go shopping and Agno I can only go after 7 p.m. or on Saturdays. I consume at least 2 a day and can't always find enough to stock up for the week!

Will Skyr nature be available in larger tubs?

Hello Buerogummi92, there are currently no plans for a bulk pack. However, we are happy to take your suggestion on board. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

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Why does this YOU Skyr Natur have the same kj per 100 grams as before, but 1 gram more protein? This 1 gram more protein has 17kj.

Hi Michi2000, thanks for the question. The nutritional information is checked from time to time and adjusted if necessary. A packaging reprint is a good opportunity for this. Minor deviations can arise for various reasons: natural fluctuations, rounding differences, selected analysis or calculation method, measurement uncertainties, etc. The accuracy of nutritional information should not be overestimated! Of course, they are stated as accurately as possible, but even by law there is a certain tolerance range. In the case of energy-providing nutrients (fat, protein, carbohydrates), this can be up to +/- 20 %, depending on the quantity; accordingly, the energy content cannot be exact to the calorie. In the case of vitamin and mineral content, the tolerance range may be even higher. Such minor differences are also insignificant from a nutritional point of view. A few calories more (or less) per portion are negligible in relation to the total daily energy requirement. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

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Why does the nutritional value table say 170g = 18g protein? If you convert the protein figure of 100g = 12g to 170g, it would be 20.4g. Why is this the case and what is correct?

Good morning Michi2000You asked 9 months ago: 1 cup = 150 g, but a cup has 170 g. So the size has been adjusted, but not the values. These are still the nutritional values of 150 g. Best regardsFrederica

Hello Michi2000, thank you for your comment. We have now updated the data. They will be visible shortly. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

Please and thank you

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Hello, Question: what's the difference between your so-called skyr, which indicates no skyr crop in its composition but only quark, and your organic quark? I suspect it's pure marketing...

Hello thea31, we can confirm that Skyr products are manufactured with specific cultures and increased protein content, in accordance with the Skyr definition. In Switzerland, there is no obligation to declare added cultures (lactic bacteria). These lactic bacteria cultures are not considered as ingredients, but as adjuvants or processing aids. For this reason, they are not included in the list of ingredients. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

Hello, thank you for your reply. It's a shame, in my opinion, that the specific cultures aren't mentioned because that's obviously what the consumer looks for first if he wants to buy skyr. And the competition and/or other brands are doing it.

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Why does the nutritional information say 1 cup = 150g, but one cup has 170 grams?

We have forwarded your request to the nutrition team, which will be happy to take care of it and send you an answer as soon as possible. Do you have any questions about your request? Then please contact us directly: Specialist nutrition department your M-Infoline team

Hi Michi2000, unfortunately the online information on the portion size of YOU Skyr Nature is incorrect due to a technical problem. We have informed the responsible department and will have the data corrected as soon as possible. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

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Good evening, I've read that this question has been asked before, but I can still only find the "small" 170gr natural Skyr on the shelf. Will these also be available in a larger format? I also wanted to know whether Migros will soon have its own vegan skyr (like the flagship brand Alpro)?

Hello nwe, thank you for your post. In fact, Skyr nature is currently only available in a 170 g tub - we have sent your request to the people responsible. Perhaps you would like the Oh! High Protein Nature? We are currently checking whether we can offer a vegan Skyr. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

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