V-Love Seehund Vanille

  • Label: V-Label vegan
7.30 CHF|12 x 57ml

V-Love Seehund Vanille


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3.463 ratings

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«The reviews for the vegan ice cream are mixed, with some customers appreciating that it closely resembles the original flavor and is a good alternative for those with milk allergies, while others criticize it for lacking creaminess and vanilla flavor compared to the previous lactose-free version. Several reviewers are disappointed that the lactose-free option was replaced by the vegan one, noting a decline in taste and texture.»

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63 ratings

2 days ago


Delicious! The chocolate is exactly the same as the original ice cream. The inside is less creamy, with a more subtle taste. It all comes together beautifully <3

3 days ago

OK, the lactose-free ones were better.

4 days ago

For a plant-based product ok, could taste more like vanilla, familiar sea lion design only more modern

4 days ago

Disappointed with the new recipe. I will not purchase them again! It feels like eating a popsicle, nothing. Also see with the lactose free ice cream from before!

2 weeks ago

Tastes like the original, but vegan. So great for me. Be careful because the pack size tempts you to get addicted ;)

1 month ago


tested for free

Very good taste and lactose free. My daughter loves it.

2 weeks ago

Very successful. Take out of the cooler and leave to stand for a while, hmmm so creamy and delicious. I always buy a whole packet straight away.

A bit grisly. I prefer the original, but would buy it if my ice cream had to be vegan.

Taste very close to the original. A great alternative for anyone with a milk allergy. The packaging is simply cool!

4 weeks ago

Tastes like the original, very fine!