V-Love Grillwurst

  • Label: V-Label vegan
Current price CHF

V-Love Grillwurst

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5 questions

2 years ago

Hello, this product has not been available in Brig or Visp for several months. Will it be available again soon?

2 years ago

Our customers' comments help us to continually improve.

Unfortunately, this product is no longer in our range. As a replacement, we can offer you the two attached items, available in Visp ( Artice numbers 1309.264.000.00 and 1309.155.000.00 ) Your M-Infoline team

2 years ago

Thank you for your reply. It's a shame, the Migros vegan alternative to "cervelas" was by far the best (for my taste). Best regards.

2 years ago


Hello, I can no longer find this product in the branches in my area (Aigle) (and it's in the shopping suggestions on the app). What's going on? I really liked it...

2 years ago

Due to changes in the store, the assortment had to be reduced, however, we have already forwarded your message to the relevant managers. With our best regards your M-Infoline team

2 years ago

Thank you for your reply, yes indeed the Chablais Centre is being restructured, I can understand that, but there weren't any for months before the changes. Nor have there been any at the Aigle gare store for a long time :-/

4 years ago


Hello, I have some concerns about the additive carrageenan, which is carcinogenic. Couldn't it be left out? Or what is the current state of scientific knowledge?

4 years ago

Hi catzie, E407 or carrageenan is a vegetable thickener derived from red algae. Carrageenan is essential for the desired texture / bite of the product. From a health point of view, the consumption of products containing E407 is harmless, as the body excretes carrageenan as dietary fiber. From a legal point of view, Migros is governed by the requirements of the Swiss government. If the federal government adapts its recommendations on the use of carrageenan, Migros will comply with them. According to the current assessment and situation, it is not necessary to do without it. However, we are constantly working on making our recipes more natural and - wherever possible - reducing or completely eliminating additives. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

4 years ago


Thank you, then I will try them. There's always a lot circulating on the net and it's becoming increasingly difficult to get information.

4 years ago

Can you eat the sausage cold without grilling or frying it?

4 years ago

Hello gstiegler, thank you for your inquiry. Yes, the sausage can also be eaten cold. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

4 years ago

can it also be frozen or does it lose its consistency and water when defrosted?

4 years ago

Hello ssandra, thank you for your question. Freezing should not result in any quality deviations. Best regards, your M-Infoline team