V-Love Bio Vegurt Soja Birchermüesli
Brand: V-Love Label: V-Label vegan Label: ohne aha! Glu/La Label: Bio Knospe

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12 questions
Migros Neuwiesen in Winterthur ?
Why is this no longer available at Migros Ostschweiz? Is it really missing?
The Migros Cooperative Eastern Switzerland does not actually stock this Birchermüesli. Please let us know which store you shop in. It is possible that it will be introduced in the largest branches. Many thanks and see you soon. Your M-Infoline team
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Again: Why is this no longer available anywhere and only the much too expensive 200gr version? The price for this is, if I may say so, an absolute cheek!
We are sorry that we can no longer offer you the Organic Soy Soyog Birchermüesli aha! in 150g tubs. Demand has been declining for some time, so we have decided to discontinue this product. As you have noticed, this yoghurt has been replaced by the organic AHA SOJ Birchermuesli 200g. The yogurt "Bio Soja Birchermüesli 150g" was a yogurt with fruit (4.5%) and cereal flakes (2%) (à la Birchermüesli). However, the soy Birchermüesli 200g is a typical Birchermüesli with a high content of fruit (35%) and cereal flakes (7%), comparable to the Migros Birchermüesli 200g (Classic, Cereal, Berries), which accounts for the price difference. We hope for your understanding and wish you a nice, relaxing weekend! Best regards, your M-Infoline team
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Why is the normal 150gr cup no longer available at the normal price and only the much too expensive large 200gr cup? What kind of strange price calculation is this?
Hello Kymba00, thank you for contacting us. Please let us know your purchasing region so that we can check your request with our responsible department. We wish you a pleasant day while you await your reply. Best regards, your M-Infoline team
Winterthur region and Winterthur city
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Is the sugar content of the soyog "with flavor" also reduced as with the nature?
Hello suppenteller We are delighted that you are interested - thank you for your inquiry! We are also working on reducing the sugar content in our organic soy line soyog Birchermüesli. Please be patient and best regards from the M-Infoline team.

After all, this soyog has lost 1g of sugar since your request ;-)
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Could you also integrate the two new varieties into Migipedia?

This is a very fine SOYOG. I would like to have other varieties:
Lemon, mocha, banana, nuts, apricot, cherry, apple. Why are there only Beeri, Mango, Natural and Birchermüesli? There are an awful lot of other yogurts, and in white, what varieties (light, Greek, cream, sheep and many more) Why only 4 varieties of SOYOG???
Hi Coragia
Thank you for your comment.
We always strive to fulfill all customer requests. Unfortunately, we don't always succeed. The demand for soy yogurt is very low compared to the other yogurts. As space in the stores is limited, not all brands can be expanded to the same extent.
From fall 2014, we will be offering two new varieties of soy yogurt: Mocha and Chocolate. However, this will not be available in all cooperatives. Please let us know your cooperative so that we can let you know whether the products will be available in your stores.
Best regards from the M-Infoline team

But that's good news (o:
Maybe the interest will increase with new varieties. It's just a strange ratio (- four to xxxxx -) because soy - in this form - is the only alternative to dairy. Demand will increase. Guaranteed.
The major supplier who is now tinkering and innovating in this corner of the market will come out on top.
Thank you for the new alternatives!
I shop at the Zurich and Lucerne cooperative.
Kind regards *
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Hello Migros
I have been eating soy yogurt from time to time for some time now. But it wasn't until today that I paid attention to what's really in it. Why is only part of the oat flakes from domestic organic production? Or where do the other ingredients come from?
I will probably not buy this yoghurt again in future because there is no declaration at all about the origin of the other ingredients. So I can't be sure that I'm really eating local and regional products (max. Europe).
Thank you very much for your reply!
Hello troeim
Thank you for your interest in our products - thank you for your inquiry.
When selecting the raw materials for our Organic Soy Line Soyog Birchermüesli aha! we take care to source goods from Europe wherever possible, but unfortunately Swiss fruit is usually only available in limited quantities.
Apart from the bananas (from South America) and the apples (from Switzerland), the fruit in the soy Birchermüesli all comes from Europe (Italy, Poland, Turkey). The raisins and hazelnuts are from Turkey.
If you have any further questions, please contact us - we will be happy to help you!
Best regards from the M-Infoline team
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The product in question is SOYOG Birchermüesli. Since the announced and completed switch to organic, there has been a change in the taste, which even caused me to "burp". Only on closer inspection did I realize that bananas are now included in the ingredients. Is that necessary? - In other words, I would ask you to put the product back together as before. Since being diagnosed with a cow's milk allergy, I have been eating a lot of Sojaline products and a Bircher muesli every day (and have been doing so for years), but unfortunately I no longer enjoy it in this formulation. I am curious to see what will become of my request.
Yours sincerely, Bruno Hürlimann
(Your picture above is no longer up to date!)
Hello guest
Thank you for your honest opinion.
With the change to soy from certified organic cultivation, we have also adapted the rest of the recipe. We have met a very large customer demand and have reduced the sugar content of the soy creams and yogurts by 5%.
Taste-related objections are very difficult for us to deal with, as taste is a very individual perception. What tastes too sweet, salty, spicy or bitter for some people is still perceived as bland or tasteless by others. However, we would be happy to receive your feedback on our Birchermüesli yogurt from Soja Line.
We look forward to your next visit to your Migros.
Best regards from the M-Infoline team
Hello dear Migröler
I also think it's a shame that the taste has been changed. The reduction in sugar is great, of course. But... it really almost only tastes like banana :(
Perhaps you could take a poll to find out whether this is an "individual feeling" or whether most people think so?
Best regards
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The product is great, I love eating soyog (no matter which variety)! The packaging annoys me every time: when separating the 2 cups, one cup always tears! Please optimize this as quickly as possible. In my opinion, the perforation is not sufficient for the thick rim of the cup. Thank you very much!
Hello guest
Thank you for your compliments and your comment about the packaging.
So far we have not received any such feedback. We will check this with the supplier and make improvements if necessary.
Kind regards from the M-Infoline team

Can confirm the comment about the packaging. How about chocolate or mocha? I'm a bit sick of mango and Bircher muesli :-).
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