V-Love Bio Hafer Barista Drink
Brand: V-Love Label: V-Label vegan Label: ohne aha! Glu/La Label: Migros Organic Guidelines

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11 questions
The 1 liter pack has Nutriscore B, the smaller pack Nutriscore D, although both have the same nutritional composition. Why is that?
Hi delfina, it is indeed confusing: comparable oat drinks with different Nutri-Scores. The reason for this is that the calculation logic of the Nutri-Score has recently changed and become stricter. Milk, milk-based drinks and plant-based drinks were previously calculated using the algorithm for solid foods. However, these are now classified as beverages. This tends to lead to a downgrading of the Nutri-Score. The changeover from the old to the new calculation and from the old to the new packaging takes time, so it may be that the same or comparable products have different Nutri-Scores. Best regards, your M-Infoline team
Interesting. Many thanks for the information.
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Hello, during a promotion I received a small pack (1/4 liter) of this V-Love Organic Oat Barista Milk for free. The product convinced me and I bought a pack. However, once opened, the organic oat barista drink does not keep for long, even in the fridge. Why isn't this product also available in half or quarter liter packs? Then I would certainly buy the product again.
I think demand is too weak for that...
Hello zh-see, we are pleased that you like the V-Love Organic Oat Barista Drink. It is true that the shelf life is limited, even in the fridge. However, we have good news for you! 😊 A 0.5-liter version will be available in Migros at the beginning of 2024. Best regards, your M-Infoline team
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Hello, I just saw that I still have Oat Drink Calcium with an expiration date of June 15, 22. How long after the expiration date can I still enjoy these drinks?
Hello Barabara, the V-Love Oat Barista Drink has been preserved using the UHT process. It can be kept for months without refrigeration and remains perfect for several weeks after the best-before date. However, changes occur over time that have a negative effect on the taste and consistency and make the drink unpalatable over time. Unfortunately, we cannot help you decide how long you want to or can still consume the oat drink after the best-before date; we only guarantee optimum quality until the end of the shelf life. As long as the quality - you can judge it by looking, smelling and tasting - is still right, you can still consume the product. If in doubt, throw it away. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

Thank you very much!
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Dear Migros, I have hardly been able to froth the last three Barista oat drinks. The milk is always cold and is then heated and foamed in the electric frother. But 2 out of 3 times it doesn't work, there is hardly any foam. I've been buying the milk for a long time and didn't have this problem a few months ago. Have you changed anything or do you have any tips on what I could do to make the milk foam reliably? I still have 9 liters in stock and am annoyed that it doesn't work reliably. Many thanks in advance.
Hello Da_77, we would like to follow up on your tip. So that we can check the specific production, we would ask you to provide the lot number (letters and numbers) and the expiration date. Best regards, your M-Infoline team
L22048Y 22:01 19 62 B Date: 17.02.23
Hello Da_77, thank you for sharing the production data. We have checked the retained samples and foamed them. We have not detected any deviations. We can therefore rule out a general problem. In addition, no adjustments have been made to the recipe or the manufacturing process. Unfortunately, we are therefore unable to conclusively explain the perceived quality deviation. However, we have informed the supplier accordingly and are keeping an eye on the issue. Best regards, your M-Infoline team
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Dear Migros I am now a little confused. According to the list of ingredients on the page below, the product has no added calcium-containing red algae. However, if you look at the packet in the store, they are added. Calcium is not mentioned in the nutritional values either here online or on the pack. So what applies here? Has calcium been added to the product and if so, how much (in the nutritional values)? If calcium has been added, what exactly is the difference to the product "Organic V-Love Oat Drink Calcium"? Apart from the fact that the product has "calcium" in its name and red algae are mentioned both on the packaging and online. The calcium content is also stated there as 120mg per 100ml, but unfortunately this is not comparable with the product here because the information is missing here. Thank you very much for the clarification and an answer.
Hello basileus, the addition of calcium to organic products (e.g. organic milk substitutes) is no longer permitted under the current organic regulation; the European Court of Justice recently issued a ruling in this regard. We have therefore decided not to add algae to the organic V-Love Oat Barista Drink, and to leave the algae addition in all other enriched V-Love milk substitute products, but they will no longer be classified as organic in future. We are currently in the conversion phase. The data for the organic oat barista drink has already been adjusted online. Best regards, your M-Infoline team
Thank you for the message. So do you no longer have an oat drink with calcium, or is it simply no longer organic? As vegans, we simply want an environmentally friendly calcium-containing milk substitute drink for muesli and the like. Oats are supposed to be the most environmentally friendly here, soy is already everywhere else, so we are looking for an alternative and rice drink simply tastes too intense.
Hi Robbie0000, we offer a calcium-enriched oat drink under the Oatly brand. You could also use an organic oat drink and take an additional calcium supplement. Best regards, your M-Infoline team
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Hello, I have coeliac disease and can eat oats which are not contaminated. As the packaging only says oats and there is no mention of wheat in the allergens, I drank the milk for 4 days. After I had diarrhea 10 times a day, I found a note on the homepage under questions and answers that there may be a contamination with wheat. Why is this not declared accordingly? For those of us with coeliac disease, it is extremely tedious when I have to do internet research to find this out. And if I only bought products that were labeled as gluten-free (which is voluntary), I would hardly be able to eat anything at all. So you always read the ingredients and so far I haven't had any problems except for the milk, which in my opinion is not declared correctly. Kind regards
Hi aline127 Read at Bio V-Love Oat Barista DrinkIngredients & Allergens Allergenpresent lGluten-containing cereals and products thereof Best regardsFrederica
Unfortunately, this is only stated on the Internet and not on the packaging!
Hello aline127, the Barista oat drink is made from conventional oats. Conventional oats are NOT suitable for people with coeliac disease, as there is a relatively high risk of contamination. As oats are a gluten-containing grain according to food legislation, the oats are highlighted in bold in the list of ingredients and the barista drink correctly does not contain any traces. As a reminder: if a product contains gluten-containing ingredients, this must be openly declared, stating the gluten-containing cereals (wheat, spelt, rye, barley, oats, etc.). In addition, gluten-containing ingredients must be highlighted in the list of ingredients, for example in bold print or with capital letters (examples: wheat starch, WHEAT flour). You can find further helpful explanations on this topic on our gluten-free diet information sheet (see www.migros-impuls.ch/aha). Best regards, your M-Infoline team
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Hello, I have now bought 3 liters of V-Love milk, but this was not noted on the points list....?The product tastes very good to me, but it should have a little less sugar in it. Thank you very much.
Hello Ameise-7756, thank you very much for your message. We are pleased that you like the product. In fact, it is not additionally sweetened. It consists of water, oat flour, sunflower oil, calcium-containing red algae (Lithothamnium Calcareum) and sea salt. The sugar content stated on the packaging "of which sugar" refers to the sugars naturally contained in oats. Can you explain what you mean by the "points list"? If it's about Cumulus points, please contact Cumulus directly. Best regards, your M-Infoline team
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Hello, I noticed today that this oat milk has suddenly appeared in my local Migros supermarket. As others have already mentioned, I don't think it's great when Migros takes Alnatura products off the shelves and replaces them with V Love products, which contain a lot more sugar. That's not the way it should be, so my request is: keep the Alnatura products, especially the oat milk, and if you want to offer your own alternative, it would be nice if it wasn't unhealthier than the existing products. What is the strategy with the V Love products, should all the alternatives be gradually replaced? Do I have to expect that I will soon no longer find any Alnatura products? And what will happen to the products in the Alnatura stores? Thank you very much for your feedback.
It's terrible how Migros adds sugar everywhere and takes away our great products
Hello Urmel-758, thank you very much for your message. We are happy to take your letter as an opportunity to review the composition of the Organic V-Love Barista Drink. As far as your concerns about the Alnatura oat milk variants are concerned, we can alleviate them: We have no plans to replace them. You will therefore still find these products in our sales outlets. Best regards, your M-Infoline team
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Is the oat drink also gluten-free?
If a product contains gluten-containing ingredients, this must be openly declared, stating the gluten-containing cereals (wheat, spelt, rye, barley, oats, etc.). Ingredients containing gluten must not be "hidden"! Traces due to unintentional mixing in the manufacturing process must be indicated at the end of the list of ingredients with a "may contain gluten" or "may contain traces of gluten". No: Oats are marked in fat. Best regardsFrederica
Hello Emma-1, no specially produced oats are used for this product, i.e. traces of wheat cannot be ruled out. Best regards, your M-Infoline team
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Why is the 1 liter pack CHF 2.95 and the 1/2 liter pack CHF 1.20? This generates unnecessary waste.
Hello new_guest, thank you very much for your input. However, the two products cannot be compared with each other. The 0.5 liter pack is a pasteurized milk substitute, which does not have a very long shelf life. The 1 liter pack, on the other hand, is a UHT milk substitute with a very long shelf life. We have therefore opted for the 0.5 liter pack so that nothing has to be thrown away due to the short shelf life. Best regards, your M-Infoline team
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