
  • Brand: Migros Fresca
11.50 CHF|500g


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3 questions

4 years ago

The Thai-Mix vegetable mix was always so practical for preparing Thai dishes, as all the necessary ingredients were available in one pack. Why is the product no longer available? Are these seasonal reasons or has the product been taken out of the range, that would be a real shame.

4 years ago

Yes, it has also disappeared in 9500 Wil SG. The good stuff always gets away.........and it was bought really actively!!!!

4 years ago

Hello Fox111, thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately, we are currently experiencing delivery problems due to Corona. However, the item should be available again at the end of September. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

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6 years ago

Why do you say the mix is available in Herblingen? The product was not available there. Thanks to Coop, I got the ingredients for the migusto dish after all. PS: I went to Herblingen especially because it's not my regular store.

6 years ago

We regret that the information was not up to date and that you traveled to Herblingen in vain. Unfortunately, at the moment there are repeated interruptions in deliveries from Asia. Until deliveries become stable again, this product is not available in Migros. No hard feelings and see you soon. Your M-Infoline team

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7 years ago

Why is it so difficult to find this product? It's not available in Renens Métropole, nor in Ecublens Croset... It's a shame

7 years ago

Hello graine2vie, This item is now only available in larger Migros stores. This change in assortment is due to a reduction in delivery quantities. Please let us know where you live so that we can check with the relevant cooperative whether the product is available in your area. Thank you and best regards, dein M-Infoline Team

7 years ago

j'habite Renens

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