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10 questions

3 months ago

Thank you very much. With such a cleaner it is important to know whether it contains acetic acid, because in this case the product must not be used for cleaning enamelled surfaces. Your information is therefore sufficient. Best regards, Andre

3 months ago

For some reason, Migros does not display detailed product information such as ingredients, nutritional values or origin on Migipedia in the same way as it does on the website. It is probably assumed that purchasing decisions are made there (as it is also the online portal) and here on Migipedia only ratings and discussions are made. This two-pronged approach is admittedly quite cumbersome, but it is also reflected in the app and in the shopping list both online and in-store. It's worth taking a look at for the products. You'll find the information you need there.

3 months ago

Does this citric acid not contain acetic acid? What is the citric acid content?

3 months ago

Hello andre009, according to the ingredients, the product contains lactic acid, citric acid and glycolic acid. We ask for your understanding that we do not disclose our formulas. All our products are subject to formulation secrecy. It is therefore not possible to give exact percentages of the ingredients. However, we are happy to inform you that M-Plus descaler contains between 5 and 10 % citric acid. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

1 year ago

Can this also be used for shower toilets?

1 year ago

Hello matrig, the descaler is suitable for coffee machines, kettles, shower heads, vases, flower stands, tooth glasses, surfaces and fittings. It is not suitable for acid-sensitive materials such as marble, enamel, aluminum, natural stone, colored plastics and rubber. rubber. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

2 years ago

when is this product available in refill packs?

2 years ago

Hello karinmey, thank you for your interest in our products. We are pleased that you are concerned with natural resources - these are also very important to Migros. We offer refill bags where possible, and in order to meet different customer needs, we offer cleaning products in bottles, refill bags and extra-large bottles. For space reasons, it is not possible for us to offer a refill pack for every product.

Tip: Since the end of 2013, plastic bottles can be returned to the Migros recycling system free of charge. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

2 years ago

Can the descaler also be used on a water tank for a coffee machine, possibly diluted?

2 years ago

Hello Cid-mcfly85, thank you for your question. Exactly, that is possible. Please refer to the back label on the product. You will find instructions there. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

2 years ago

Can the descaler be used for the toilet cistern? If so, in what ratio should it be mixed?

2 years ago


Hello Brevis, thank you for your request. There is no specific cleaner for the cistern. We recommend that you use our vinegar cleaner. You can also use the descaler, but we cannot guarantee this as it has not been tested for this purpose. We recommend diluting it 1:1. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

3 years ago

Can the descaler also be used for the streamer?

3 years ago

Guten Abend TheMaStar

Streamer: Nein, Steamer 🤷🏻‍♀️

Beste Grüsse

3 years ago

Hello TheMaStar, thank you for your inquiry. You should check the instructions for use of the steamer to see whether a special descaler is recommended. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

3 years ago

Can the descaler also be used for coffee machines, especially a Senseo Philips?

3 years ago

Hello Mrscuisine, thank you for your inquiry. In principle, the product can also be used to descale coffee machines. However, depending on the type of machine, the manufacturer may recommend a special descaling agent. You should be able to find the necessary information in the instructions for use of the machine. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

3 years ago

Is there anything other than citric acid in here?

3 years ago

Hello Killergorilla, thank you for your question. Yes, Migros Plus descaler contains other organic acids. In addition to citric acid, it contains lactic acid, glycolic acid and a corrosion inhibitor based on a phosphonate. However, we are not allowed to tell you the exact recipe due to the recipe secret. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

3 years ago

Can the product still be used for food in small quantities?

3 years ago

Hello Killergorilla, descaler is not used for food. Our answer to your question is: No, you cannot use M-Plus descaler for food under any circumstances. Kind regards, your M-Infoline team

4 years ago

is there also a refill bag for this?

4 years ago

Hello Orome, thank you for your inquiry. We do not offer this descaler in a refill bag in our range. Best regards, your M-Infoline team