Miocolor Synthetic Weisslack seidenmatt weiss 375 ml Synthetic Weisslack

12.50 CHF|375ml

Miocolor Synthetic Weisslack seidenmatt weiss 375 ml Synthetic Weisslack

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2 ratings

4 months ago

I still had the previous version of this white paint. I used it to paint part of my previously primed MDF boards. I painted the other part with the new white lacquer available here. What a difference! After 3 weeks, the part with the old white lacquer could be loaded. The part with the new white paint is not even very easy to load. I.e. NOT dry. I can therefore only advise: Hands off. This paint is unfortunately unusable.

4 years ago

What's written on the pot that there's no smell is not true, it stinks and it's unbearable.