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Hello, couldn't the tetravee packaging be provided with two tails at the bottom, like at coop? This would make it easier to squeeze the empty packaging.
Hello Simonsays, thank you for letting us know about your request. We have approached our product managers. No adjustments to this type of packaging are currently planned. Nevertheless, we will keep your suggestion in mind. Best regards, your M-Infoline team
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Why isn't there a milk promotion for this product like there is for normal milk where there is a 6 or 10 pack promotion from time to time? Can we food allergy sufferers do something about our intolerance? In general, this is also conceivable and desirable for Aha to have such campaigns
Hello silviaherrmann, we are pleased to have received your feedback from our specialist department. They will consider your suggestion in the upcoming action planning. Best regards, your M-Infoline team
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The lid is difficult to open because it is stuck between these raised corners. Is there no other way to solve this, what is the reason for this design?
Hello AlbertAlexa, thank you very much for your message. We are sorry that you are not convinced by the lid! When we introduced this packaging, we focused on points such as easy pouring and good resealability. This type of packaging also provides ideal protection for the contents. The filling system in question and its packaging have already been in use for some time. A changeover is therefore not currently being considered. However, we have gladly placed your feedback with the specialist department. Best regards, your M-Infoline team
Unfortunately, before pouring and resealing comes the opening and that really doesn't work well.
Hello AlbertAlexa, we are sorry that it is difficult to open the milk. The closures on the milk packaging are specifically designed for the respective manufacturer or their standard filling machines. There are currently no plans to change the packaging. Your feedback has been submitted to our specialist department. Best regards, your M-Infoline team
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Why has milk become 5 centimes more expensive since February? 🤔
Hello Sunnylein, thank you for your question. Prices for raw materials and energy are currently rising in many parts of the world, including Switzerland. The main reasons for this are a global shortage of certain raw materials and problems in the supply chains. The price increases are also being felt by Swiss milk producers, who now have to pay more for animal feed, energy and machinery. The milk industry organization (BOM) has therefore decided to increase the milk price. Although Migros is not a member of the BOM, it has also increased the milk price for its suppliers. We cannot bear these higher prices alone because we also have to buy many other products more expensively. We are therefore passing on at least part of the price increase to our customers. Best regards, your M-Infoline team
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I get annoyed about the spout when the carton is still full and when it's practically empty. When the bag is full you have to be careful not to spill milk, but when it's almost empty there's always some left in the bag. Design before ergonomics?
Now even I can do it without emptying anything, there's a very simple solution for the remaining contents, you open "the 2 folds" at the top, take a 🔪 or a ✂️ and cut open the top at the edge, then you also get the rest of the contents and then you open "the 2 folds" at the bottom as well and it's nice and flat.
Hello Frula77, thank you for your message. When introducing this packaging, we focused our efforts on points such as easy pouring and good resealability. Our manufacturer ELSA has been using this packaging for some time now, and it is also available on the market in this form worldwide. With packaging for liquid food/beverages, it is unfortunately not possible to completely avoid a certain amount of residue remaining at the end. Our tip: you can cut off a corner and empty the carton completely. We also have a tip for the full milk carton: don't hold the carton with the opening facing downwards, but the other way round so that the opening is at the top - the liquid then comes out of the carton in a much more controlled manner. Best regards, your M-Infoline team
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Hello Julianne_2, lactose-free milk consists only of milk, no sugar is added. The only difference is that the lactose content has been almost completely broken down with the help of lactase, which is obtained from a yeast (residual lactose content your M-Infoline Team
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Subject: Milk, semi-skimmed, lactose-free, aha! As I can't buy my preferred lactose-free milk at the moment (from Emmi, only available at Coop), I'm now trying to drink this milk in my coffee for the third time. This attempt also fails: why is there so much sugar in this milk that I get the feeling that there are a few spoons of sugar in my coffee? It would actually be a trustworthy product! Once again, I won't be able to finish the carton.
Try the ones from Aldi, I think they're super fine.
I didn't find any lactose-free milk, 1/2 fat on the Aldi website, only soy milk
But it's always been available in the store. Otherwise try the high protein milk from Aldi or Lidl
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Why does this milk only have 3 out of 5 stars in terms of animal welfare (as printed on a purchase in Migros Aare)?
Hello LagNad, thank you for your request. The clarifications are already underway and will take some time. We will get back to you as soon as we know more. Best regards, your M-Infoline team
Hello LagNad, thank you for your patience. As promised, we will get back to you with news. You have indeed drawn our attention to a discrepancy. The rating given is incorrect. The product has not three but four stars. Apparently we made a mistake here during the packaging adjustment, which we will correct immediately. We hope this information is helpful to you. Best regards, your M-Infoline team
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is there 1.5% lactose-free organic milk at migros?:)
Organic is not available, but it has IP, see link https://www.ipsuisse.ch/ in the Coop there is only this https://www.coop.ch/de/lebensmittel/milchprodukte-eier/milch/frische-milch/free-from-bio-vollmilch-past/p/6799520
Hello Xap, thank you very much for your message. Unfortunately, we currently only have the aha! milk in our range. We do not yet have a corresponding organic version. However, we are already working on an aha! organic whole milk, which will be on the shelves soon. However, we are not yet able to give you an exact date. Best regards, your M-Infoline team
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Hello I find it a great pity that the screw cap on UHT milk, with the exception of organic milk, has no auxiliary wings. With arthritis or not so strong fingers, opening is very, very difficult. thank you
Hello Frage77, thank you for your feedback. We are sorry that the screw cap is difficult to open. The closures are specifically designed for the respective manufacturer or their standard filling machines. We apologize for the inconvenience. There are currently no plans to change the packaging, but we will be happy to take your comments on board. Best regards, your M-Infoline team
Thank you for your reply Greetings
There are various aids that make opening easier, Migros once had 2 of these here, https://produkte.migros.ch/cucina-tavola-deckeloeffner and this one, unfortunately it is no longer available which I think is a great pity as it was/is top, I hope it will continue to do its job for a long time. @M-Infoline, are there occasional replacements for this one? https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fimage.migros.ch%2Fproduct-zoom%2F206a6d10dbe6388343d20e16d179bfd35d2629b0%2Fcucina-tavola-multifunktionsoeffner-6-in-1.jpg&f=1&nofb=1 Otherwise have a look here. https://www.hilfsmittelwelt.ch/alltagshilfen/oeffner/
Hello rollimaus, thank you for your input! The Cucina & Tavola multifunction opener 6 in 1 is still available. You can find it in large stores selected by us. Best regards, your M-Infoline team
OK thanks, but I didn't find it "anymore" when I searched for it on your pages this morning. At Galaxus, the I.net search returns the message "Currently out of stock and no delivery date available. Have a look at the following alternatives instead. https://www.galaxus.ch/de/s2/product/cucina-tavola-multifunktionsoeffner-6-in-1-dosenoeffner-9969740
Hoi rollimaus, thank you very much for your feedback. We're sorry that you couldn't find the product. We have gladly put it online so that you can check the stocks in your area via this link. Best regards, your M-Infoline team
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