Migros Bio Tomatensaft

1.20 CHF|330ml

Migros Bio Tomatensaft

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1 question

10 months ago

I have always bought Sarasay nectar/tomato juice (M Ostschweiz or online). Now, according to availability, it is not available in the stores or online. Has it been discontinued or is there a supply interruption?

10 months ago

Hi Sonderfall, thanks for the question. We have effectively removed Sarasay tomato juice from our range. As an alternative, we can recommend Migros organic tomato juice(https://www.migros.ch/de/product/122288000000). Best regards, your M-Infoline team

10 months ago

Hi Sonderfall, thanks for the question. We have effectively removed Sarasay tomato juice from our range. As an alternative, we can recommend Migros organic tomato juice(https://www.migros.ch/de/product/122288000000). Best regards, your M-Infoline team

9 months ago

It's a sad state of affairs with Migros, you don't know what the product managers are thinking. For no reason or advantage to the customer, tried and tested products are being discontinued or replaced by products of inferior quality. And when the drop in sales or the outcry from customers becomes too great, the company backtracks. This is what happened with the Party Pretzels and Pedic foot deodorant, for example.
And now unfortunately also with tomato juice. The trusted supplier of Sarasay juices from Ticino is being replaced by Sun Queen, which does not have any tomato juice on offer. Instead, reference is made to a product that is only available in small pack sizes and cannot compete in terms of quality. Now I just get the Alnatura tomato juice in Germany for 85 cents, which Migros has on offer for CHF 1.55.

9 months ago

Hi Sonderfall, thank you for your comment. We have good news for you: We will have a large tomato juice in our range again from around November. This will also be available in organic quality. Due to procurement problems, we were unable to introduce a large-format tomato juice at the same time. Best regards, your M-Infoline team