Migros Bio Mischsalat

3.95 CHF|250g

Migros Bio Mischsalat

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1 question


12 years ago

It's too expensive for a simple green salad, even if it's washed and organic. A real salad averages 500g and in this bag there's only half (250g). All in all, Migros sells green salads for almost 10 francs!

12 years ago

Various factors have an impact on the price of organic mixed lettuce. On the one hand, the cost of producing washed products is high, and on the other, the price of the raw organic product is not available at the same price as conventional goods. Compared with Anna's Best mixed salad, the price of organic mixed salad is around 20% higher. This is also due to the fact that organic mixed lettuce is grown in smaller quantities.
Best regards from your M-Infoline team

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