M-Classic Thonmousse

3.50 CHF|100g

M-Classic Thonmousse

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1 question

2 months ago

Why does this product have to contain so MUCH sugar? It also has twice as much salt as Argeta's product. Argeta's thon mousse contains a lot less sugar and salt. It is also cheaper. It's incomprehensible that so much sugar and salt has to be added everywhere. Best regards, Guido

2 months ago

Hello Guido-1, both positive and critical feedback is valuable to us. We will be happy to check the recipe. However, we ask for your understanding if your suggestion cannot be taken into account immediately or at all. We would also like to point out the following: the thon mousse cannot be compared 1:1 with the Argeta thon spread. A mousse must meet different requirements (e.g. in terms of consistency). With regard to sugar, the following is important to know: less than 1% sugar is added to the product. The term "of which sugar" in the nutritional information refers not only to added granulated sugar, but also to all types of sugar contained in a product - including those that occur naturally in fruit (fructose and glucose) or milk (lactose), for example. The majority of the declared "of which sugar" content is lactose from the ingredients skimmed milk and whey powder.

Best regards, your M-Infoline team

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