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Are these rolls also available in wholemeal?
Hello Shelly1316, thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately, we only have this one variant of the mini sandwich rolls. We also have a Silser variant of the larger rolls. We would be happy to place your request for wholemeal mini sandwiches with our specialist department. Best regards, your M-Infoline team
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Hello, how many sandwiches are there in 1 pack?
Hello prudentechris, thank you for your inquiry. We are delighted by your interest in this product and are pleased to confirm that there are ten portions in a bag. This information can also be found on our website - under "Nutritional values" . We hope you find these explanations satisfactory. Best regards, your M-Infoline team
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Dear Migipedia team, does the product contain alcohol in any way? For example, as a flavoring or carrier? Does it contain animal fats or other animal ingredients? Does it come into contact with animal ingredients or alcohol (cross-contamination)?
Hello Acalyanur, thank you for your question. No animal slaughter fats or additives derived from animal fats are used in the bread products of our own industry (JOWA AG). In JOWA products, we generally use emulsifiers, fats, oils and glycerine of vegetable origin. Animal ingredients (e.g. milk, eggs, butter, cheese, meat, gelatine) are always declared accordingly. These products also contain no ingredients from pigs that are not immediately obvious. However, alcohol as a carry-over (transfer of an additive from a raw material into the finished product) cannot be ruled out for individual raw materials. Best regards, your M-Infoline team
Hello M-Infoline team, thank you for your reply. Can you please provide more information regarding alcohol? What do you mean by carry over? And can't this be found out for the only products (individual bread variants)? Is there alcohol in this bread variant now? Also, shouldn't it say on the back of the products "May contain.... alcohol" ?
Hello Acalyanur, thank you for your question. According to the provisions of Swiss food legislation, the addition of alcohol (in the form of wine, schnapps, etc.) must be declared in the list of ingredients. Alcohol is not declared as an ingredient in products that naturally contain alcohol. For foods and beverages that contain more than 0.5% alcohol by mass or volume, Migros voluntarily prints the words "contains alcohol". Carry over refers to the transfer of very small quantities of alcohol-containing additives and carriers from the raw materials into the end product. This cannot be completely ruled out. However, the possible entry is too small to measure. Best regards, your M-Infoline team
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These sandwiches are so successful! Too bad they are not always available in sufficient quantities!!! Why are they not available in the migrolino or Bahnhof- Migros?
Hello yalena, thank you for your question. We're glad you like the rolls! Please let us know which Migros cooperative you shop at. We will then be happy to clarify your request. Best regards, your M-Infoline team
Unfortunately, I see the question now. I go shopping in the Migros Cooperative fribourg, more precisely in Bulle. Thank you very much
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The wheat flour is IP-SUISSE quality. Where do the sunflower oil, whole egg, wheat protein, yeast, table salt, sugar and barley malt flour come from?
Thank you for your inquiry. Sunflower oil - Switzerland, Germany, France, Argentina, Hungary / Whole egg - Europe / Wheat protein - Switzerland European Community / Yeast - Switzerland / Cooking salt - Switzerland / Sugar - Switzerland / Barley flour - Switzerland. We hope this will help you further. Kind regards from the M-Infoline team
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the emulsifier e471 can be found in this product, in the Butterwegli and in the normal sandwiches. are these all plant-based or animal-based?
Hello Yasemin90 The emulsifier E471 in the M-Classic Mini Sandwiches is of vegetable origin. Our products generally contain E471 of vegetable origin. For other products, you would need to give us the article number for exact clarification. On our website http://www.migros.ch/generation-m/de/essen-und-trinken/fachstelle-ernaehrung-faq.html you will also find our information sheet with information on this topic. Best regards, Your M-Infoline Team
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Hello Daniel
I noticed that the product declaration for the mini sandwiches states a calorie count of 319 kcal per 100 g, whereas the TS Silserbrötli only have 78 kcal per 100 g declared. I realize that not all breads can have the same calorie content. But this difference needs an explanation, doesn't it...?
Hello guest
Thank you for your contribution.
You're right, there could be something wrong. In order to investigate, however, we would need to know exactly which Silserbörtli you mean. Can you tell us the article name and number?
Thank you for your help!
Kind regards from the M-Infoline team
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