M-Classic Butterzopf IP-SUISSE

3.80 CHF|400g

M-Classic Butterzopf IP-SUISSE

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1 question

5 years ago

Since the last packaging and quality adjustment, two or three months ago, I no longer find the freshly baked plait so delicious. I find it "dry" when I eat it. Why ? have bought this product for years. now buy the organic fresh braided bread, which tastes excellent again.

5 years ago

Hello Dino69, thank you for your post. We have only changed the design of the product. We left the recipe exactly as it was, as this product is very popular. We changed the packaging because the design offers us more opportunities to highlight the added value of the plait, such as "with Swiss butter". However, we had process problems, whereby the products were unfortunately not baked properly in some production runs, which resulted in the plait becoming rather doughy. You may have caught one of these. We apologize for the incident. Best regards, your M-Infoline team