M-Budget Paprika Wave Chips

  • Brand: M-Budget
2.25 CHF|150g

M-Budget Paprika Wave Chips

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26 questions

1 month ago

The chips are simply great. They are better than the normal paprika and nature mbudget chips. But the size is far too small. Why aren't they available in large?

1 month ago

Hi TiMMy9811, thank you very much for your inquiry. We're delighted that you like our Paprika Waves potato chips! Thank you for the positive feedback 😊. There are currently no plans to introduce a larger pack. However, we have of course submitted your input to our specialist department. We cannot promise you an effective addition to the range at the moment - we ask for your understanding. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

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4 months ago

Very fine chips, new varieties would be great

4 months ago

Hello Dragonball, thank you very much for your suggestion. We are delighted that you like these potato chips so much. We will be happy to pass on your request for new varieties. What varieties do you have in mind? Best regards, your M-Infoline team

4 months ago

Spicy, casual wave paprika mbudget, wave mbudget with truffle, with lime flavor

4 months ago

Hello Dragonball, thank you for your feedback. We will be happy to pass this on to you. However, we cannot promise whether we will implement your wishes. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

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2 years ago

Super tasty, but the contents should be increased to 250g, then I wouldn't always have to buy 2 pieces.

2 years ago

Hello Gattuso08, thank you for your question, it's great that you like the potato chips so much! There are currently no plans to introduce a larger pack. However, we are happy to take your request on board for the next product range revision. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

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2 years ago

I don't like the new spice mix at all :( What a shame :( Is it not possible to offer two flavors? Because this is now a completely new product and I won't be buying it again because I don't like it. Too bad before the mixture was unbeatably good

2 years ago

Hello No_Drama_Lama7, thank you for letting us know. We are sorry that the revised recipe is not convincing you! There are no plans to introduce an alternative variant. However, we are actively monitoring the feedback on the new recipe and will make any necessary optimizations. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

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2 years ago

I bought the chips again today and I found them very different. Much more similar to the Zweifelchips. Has the recipe been changed? Thanks for the feedback :-)

2 years ago

.... I've just been thinking the same thing. They must have put smoke flavoring in it. :-/ Who actually likes that?

2 years ago

Hello kLeoh, thank you for your feedback. No, nothing has been changed in the recipe. So that we can trace the production, we would ask you to provide us with the best-before date and the lot number (starts with L and consists of letters and numbers). Best regards, your M-Infoline team

2 years ago

Hello M-Infoline Team Thanks for the feedback. Exciting, they seem quite different to me ;-) MHD: 28.08.22 Lot number: L3 20:13 Best regards

2 years ago

Hello kLeoh, thank you for your feedback. We appreciate your help in clarifying the matter. As promised, we have approached the supplier with the information you provided. We have to correct our statement :-). You are right: there has been a slight adjustment. It concerns the spice mix. As part of a product revision, we realized that the current version is very popular, which is why we decided to go for this variant. We hope you are just as impressed by the change? We look forward to your feedback. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

2 years ago

Thank you also for the clarification. Unfortunately, my family is not one of those who like the new seasoning mix... It can't suit everyone...

2 years ago

Hello Stef1, thank you very much for your honest feedback. You're right: as we all know, tastes differ. Nevertheless, it's a shame that we didn't inspire you and your family with the customization. We have informed the department managers about your feedback. We will continue to monitor the issue closely. If necessary, we will make changes. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

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Why are M-Budget Wave Chips no longer available in Nature?

3 years ago


Why are M-Budget Wave Chips no longer available in Nature?

3 years ago

Hello Migros_Liebligskind, thank you for your inquiry. We are not aware that M-Budget Wave Chips were ever available in natural. Unfortunately, we do not have any "only" salted Wave Chips in our range. However, we are happy to take your input on board and have informed the relevant specialist department. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

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3 years ago

Does this product contain alcohol of any kind? Ethanol or in the carrier substances? Is it completely alcohol-free? Is it also suitable for vegetarians, does it contain no animal fats?

3 years ago

Hi Acalyanur, thank you for the question. The flavors on the M-Budget Paprika Wave Chips do not contain ethanol. The product is also alcohol-free. Animal fats are also not included. The potato chips are suitable for a vegetarian diet. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

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3 years ago

I think it's great if the product is protected in the pack with 50 percent air. Is that really the real reason?

3 years ago

What could be another reason? Serves as a protective cushion, nitrogen is added for better durability and to keep them really "crisp".

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3 years ago

Why is it that the pack is only half full after opening?

3 years ago

Good morning Simu82 The contents are supposed to be protected. If they were filled, the chips, like the ones at the bottom of the packaging, would break. After packaging, the bags still have to be distributed and travel many stops and kilometers to reach us. Filled like this, the chips in the bag collide less and have more room to move and crumble less. Best regardsFrederica

3 years ago

Hello Simu82, thank you for your inquiry. The bags of potato chips are filled with a certain amount of air to protect the product. Each packet is weighed during production. We sort out underweight or overweight packaging in accordance with legal tolerances. If you give us the lot number and the best-before date, we can check whether it was an underweight pack. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

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