Klostergarten Bio Salbeiblätter

2.– CHF|24g

Klostergarten Bio Salbeiblätter

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1 question

4 years ago

Why did you change the individual packaging of Klostergarten brand bags from paper to plastic? Not really in the spirit of the times, and I never have any problems with freshness with the old packaging.

4 years ago

Good evening AveGiuglioM-Infoline wrote elsewhere on a similar question: Klostergarten herbal teas are medicinal herbal teas. These products have a therapeutic effect and are authorized by the authorities. The ingredients contained in medicinal herbal teas must have a minimum content of active ingredients and/or key substances, which is why the manufacturer has modified the sachets since mid-2020. As a result, the products are now of the usual quality required by law. The use of these plastic sachets is very important.Best regardsFrederica

4 years ago

Hello AveGiuglio, thank you for your question. As Frederica rightly wrote, we can confirm that we have adapted the sachets. Although, until now, the herbal tea bags felt like they were made of paper, their constituent material was in fact a composite plastic made from paper and polyvinylidene chloride. As a result, wrapping bags could not be recycled, but had to be disposed of in the household garbage. The new packaging is now 100% polypropylene and can therefore be taken to plastic collection. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

4 years ago

Thank you for your very clear answer, I've learned something! On the other hand, unless I'm mistaken, I don't think it was written on the old packaging that it was a composite material. I hope at least that the bag itself (by removing the string and the label) remains compostable. Best regards.

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