J.Bank's Empanadas Vegi

  • Label: V-Label vegetarisch
4.75 CHF|4 x 70g

J.Bank's Empanadas Vegi

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3.633 ratings

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«Customers generally appreciate the flavor and seasoning of the empanadas, describing them as tasty and convenient for a quick meal. However, many express concerns about the thick and dry dough, which often overshadows the filling, leading to a desire for more filling and a better texture. Overall, the product receives a balanced rating, with many indicating they would purchase it again, especially when paired with sauce.»

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33 ratings

Well seasoned but lacks filling and chunks

The taste is very good, but it should have more filling and less dough. The empanadas are only available in larger stores.

The dough is a little too thick and could taste a little more like a tortilla. The filling is ok, they could be a little flatter. Slightly overly large packaging for 4 such small empanadas. All in all pretty OK. Tasted good. :)

Ideal if you want something quick and Mexican. However, the batter is a little too thick and tastes a little too dry.

2 weeks ago


3 weeks ago

Reminiscent of a vacation

The empanadas are tasty and have a racy flavor. We will gladly buy them again. However, in my region they are unfortunately only available in the really big Migros stores.

The frozen empanadas from J. Bank's are ideal if you want a tasty snack. They are well seasoned, have a pleasant spiciness and are quick and easy to prepare - perfect if you're short on time. One disadvantage is that the packaging is a little too large compared to the contents, causing unnecessary waste. In addition, the dough content is quite high, which makes the empanadas seem a little dry. Overall, they are a good choice if you are looking for something spicy for a snack.

We ate the empanadas with a salad. They are quick to make. The filling is fine, but the dough is a bit dry and could do with a sauce. But I would buy them again.

The taste of the filling was okay. The consistency of the filling was like a porridge. The dough was too thick and too dry for me.