Frey Selection Kugeln

  • Brand: Frey
  • Label: Swissness
5.20 CHF|250g

Frey Selection Kugeln

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4.226 ratings

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«Customers appreciate the product for its fine chocolate taste and good variety. However, some customers express concern about the use of palm oil in the product. There are also requests for more promotions and separate packaging for certain flavors.»

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26 ratings

7 days ago

Good but not cheap...

5 months ago

The balls are super tasty, unfortunately the mixture was not balanced.

6 months ago


7 months ago

Fine chocolate flavor, good combination of varieties.

8 months ago

Unfortunately, the ball has palm oil mixed in, which is not good in this day and age (rainforest).

12 months ago

We love eating the chocolate balls from Migros. Unfortunately, the yellow balls with the red dots are no longer available separately only in assorted packs. What a shame!!!

1 year ago

Very fine🥰

2 years ago


2 years ago

Fine chocolate as a bedtime snack!!!

2 years ago

Very tasty, good flavors, blend