New "sustainable" blue receipts

Neue "nachhaltige", blaue Kassenbons

2 years ago


The new, apparently "sustainable" blue receipts are now being printed out everywhere in our local branch. In the article on the subject, Migros praises them to the skies. 👉 For me: well-intentioned, but a flop! I'm happy to give my reasons: Today, as usual, we also bought items for a third party with our weekly shopping, with whom I then settle the corresponding amount and logically need the receipt for this. However, the receipt was quite long and had to be folded and put in my pocket. Apart from the fact that these receipts are difficult to read anyway, I then realized at home that - probably due to wet hands and the folding - one part was no longer legible! Great! So I had no choice but to log in to my account and print out the electronically stored receipt from there, n.b. on 2 A4 pages, because I was honestly too stupid to tinker with the image editing program afterwards. Very ecological and sustainable! In future, I will probably have to carry a plastic wallet with me when I go shopping so that I can put the receipt in it on the way home without damaging it, because I don't suppose that my 91-year-old friend will buy an email address and smartphone just so that I can send her the receipt by email before she pays, as the Migros strategists who came up with this "innovation" probably had in mind for such cases? Ecology and sustainability are OK, but it has to be "right". I can think of something better, for example: get rid of organic cucumbers sealed in plastic! There are plenty of other examples - even in Migros. Perhaps the strategists will go over the books?
