おーいお茶 in the Migrolino proposal

おーいお茶 im Migrolino Vorschlag

This pre-brewed sugar-free green tea can be found cold in PET bottles in every Japanese vending machine and konbini. Here in Switzerland, it is only available in Japanese specialty stores for a price that is x times higher.

All replies (2)


Did you post here in your thread, why open a new thread instead of posting there? https://migipedia.migros.ch/de/forum/migros/einfuehrung-oiocha-gruentee-im-migros Oh third thread. Migros, is it bot spam? https://migipedia.migros.ch/de/forum/migros/japanischer-ungesuester-gruentee-im-trend

It's possible that it's bot spam... Or someone who probably thinks that if he opens his own thread, Migros will immediately run off and grant his request (see also the piles of threads about Passaia)... I find this kind of thing really tedious, the forum simply becomes confusing, and on top of that it gets on my nerves having to read the same posts/threads all the time


Did you post here in your thread, why open a new thread instead of posting there? https://migipedia.migros.ch/de/forum/migros/einfuehrung-oiocha-gruentee-im-migros Oh third thread. Migros, is it bot spam? https://migipedia.migros.ch/de/forum/migros/japanischer-ungesuester-gruentee-im-trend

One was an accidental error. I have to delete the two, which unfortunately is not possible. Unfortunately I can't cope with the forum environment.