Organic YOU Express Quinoa & Veggies - more of it?
Bio YOU Express Quinoa & Veggies - mehr davon?
Dear Migipedia team, I recently discovered your ready meal for the microwave "Bio YOU Express Quinoa & Veggies": I think it's brilliant, just put the bag in the microwave for a few minutes and you have a delicious, healthy side dish. Now I wanted to ask if you could offer more "healthy" express pouches like this, e.g: "You Express Whole Grain Pasta & Veggies", "You Express Sweet Potato Mash & Veggies" ...? That would be brilliant. And we'd also like to see more advertising for the Express dish and for it to be available in smaller outlets too. Because we've really "overlooked" it so far. Thank you and best regards, "Twilight"