RECOGNITION of MIGROS (cult) products - addendum

RÜCKBESINNUNG auf MIGROS(-"Kult"-)Produkte - Nachtrag

12 years ago

The reason why the 'comment' "RECOGNITION of MIGROS (cult) products" was initially posted under "Improve MIGROS", i.e. in the context of "Making Migros one M better", lies in the fact that even I am really convinced that - if instead of 2, 3 perhaps 20-30 most appreciated MIGROS ("cult") products were PERMANENTLY RETURNED to the range, communicated accordingly + these, this "reduction of the product range" starting with MIGROS SPECIFIC products would be reconsidered (taking into account the "concerns" found on the ENTIRE Migipedia platform) - MIGROS would actually be better/"richer" by MANY "M "s. If these "M "s were perhaps/ for the time being only in "M e r c i" s, in the long term and a little more profoundly, they would probably also be able to make MIGROS [U.A.] several "Ms better" in 'customer perception and appreciation' (+ MIGROS-specific products CONSISTENTLY at home and abroad)...
with continued regret, "maripac"
P.S. although I don't eat jam myself and have never tried the "MIGIPEDIA strawberry mouth jam", I was/am nevertheless somewhat surprised to read in yesterday's newsletter about the introduction of a 'new fall jam' ("pear-passion fruit" or something similar) - that, after the ["MIGIPEDIA"] strawberry-mouth jam had been removed from the range, had already been reported on - ON MIGIPEDIA - and (at least according to our own interpretations) did NOT necessarily suggest that the "strawberry-mouth jam" had tasted particularly ugly. NOTHING against the new "pear-etc." jam (especially not from someone who NEVER liked jam), the misunderstanding rather refers to the benefit/the (Migipedia not particularly serving) "significance" of this "assortment change"...
