Update 23: Machine translate product reviews
Update 23: Produktbewertungen maschinell übersetzen
3 years ago
How fluent are you in the national languages of Switzerland? I'm not - I admit it. And for all community members who feel the same way as I do, I'd like to introduce the new machine translation of product reviews today. I'll show you how it works with this example: A community member is on a French product detail page. He would like to read the reviews. Unfortunately, more than half of the reviews are written in German. The community member cannot translate all the reviews for themselves. And this is where machine translation comes into play. One click and the corresponding rating or comment on a rating appears in the website language used by the community member. We currently offer the three Migipedia languages German, French and Italian. Depending on usage and interest in the function, it cannot be ruled out that machine translation will be used for other languages or areas on Migipedia. As already mentioned several times in this update, the product reviews are machine translated with a click. We use the Deepl.com service for this. A machine is rarely perfect, so it will certainly not be possible to translate all reviews 100% correctly. It may also be difficult with Swiss dialect, abbreviations and slang expressions. One request: Please understand if not everything is perfect. And for this very reason, we take no responsibility for what comes up when you click on "translate". Finally, I'd like to know two things: