I don't think it's right that you can no longer dispose of the Tetra packs, as these products are also sold.
I don't think it's right that you can no longer dispose of the Tetra packs, as these products are also sold.
2 years ago
What exactly do you mean by "no longer"?
2 years ago
I didn't know you could ever do that at Migros, but it annoys me too. I have to take the huge quantities of Tetra Paks - all bought at Migros - to the bulk collection point, which is of course also closed at lunchtime. It really is high time Migros took them back. Addendum: I would still prefer Migros to take back TetraPak, I buy it there, but I found an interesting site here and am amazed at how many collection points there are now for TetraPak: https://www.getraenkekarton.ch/ Maybe someone can find one near them via the new German link "Sammelstellen map".
2 years ago
2 years ago
I didn't know you could ever do that at Migros, but it annoys me too. I have to take the huge quantities of Tetra Paks - all bought at Migros - to the bulk collection point, which is of course also closed at lunchtime. It really is high time Migros took them back. Addendum: I would still prefer Migros to take back TetraPak, I buy it there, but I found an interesting site here and am amazed at how many collection points there are now for TetraPak: https://www.getraenkekarton.ch/ Maybe someone can find one near them via the new German link "Sammelstellen map".
It may have been possible to recycle TetraPak packaging somewhere regionally at Migros at some point, but certainly not throughout Switzerland. Migros has always resisted requests for recycling facilities, but for a while Aldi Suisse had recycling stations for Tetra packaging in its stores (Zurich and eastern Switzerland). Although the pilot project was successful, it was ended prematurely because the employees had too much work to do and most of the packaging thrown in came from non-Aldi suppliers.
2 years ago
People don't even manage to dispose of pet bottles properly, there's heaps of other people's garbage in there and it stinks all the time. Household waste and meat packaging and all sorts of other things are thrown in there. It would be better to question the waste system in Switzerland. It would be better to include the fees in the taxes and instead have one garbage can for residual waste and one garbage can for recycling waste. That would certainly reduce littering.
2 years ago
Hello @Sonja64 Migros is very keen to recycle packaging in an ecologically sound and high-quality manner. Where it makes ecological sense and is economically viable, the raw materials should be recycled and returned to the material cycles. However, Migros cannot currently offer to take back beverage cartons (Tetra Pak) for various reasons: Despite the new recycling plant, recycling beverage cartons has little additional environmental benefit and leads to very high additional costs. In addition, there would be temporary bottlenecks in logistics: In addition to the waste recyclables from the existing separate collections, we also have to transport millions of reusable containers and internal waste such as cardboard, plastics, etc. from the stores back to the 10 regional operations centers of the cooperatives. Therefore, with the expected return volumes in the retail trade, additional trips would have to be made with trucks to cope with the volume. However, Migros does not categorically reject the collection of beverage cartons. If the infrastructural, technical and financial hurdles can be overcome, the ecological balance improves and there is a great customer need, Migros will reconsider the introduction of a voluntary collection of beverage cartons. Best regards Sebastian
2 years ago
2 years ago
People don't even manage to dispose of pet bottles properly, there's heaps of other people's garbage in there and it stinks all the time. Household waste and meat packaging and all sorts of other things are thrown in there. It would be better to question the waste system in Switzerland. It would be better to include the fees in the taxes and instead have one garbage can for residual waste and one garbage can for recycling waste. That would certainly reduce littering.
A few years ago we had a trial where you could throw plastic bottles and Tetra into one container. It then dripped out of the bottom from chicken packaging etc... :( Now the city collects it, the bag costs money but is collected monthly and you need fewer other bags.
2 years ago
2 years ago
Hello @Sonja64 Migros is very keen to recycle packaging in an ecologically sound and high-quality manner. Where it makes ecological sense and is economically viable, the raw materials should be recycled and returned to the material cycles. However, Migros cannot currently offer to take back beverage cartons (Tetra Pak) for various reasons: Despite the new recycling plant, recycling beverage cartons has little additional environmental benefit and leads to very high additional costs. In addition, there would be temporary bottlenecks in logistics: In addition to the waste recyclables from the existing separate collections, we also have to transport millions of reusable containers and internal waste such as cardboard, plastics, etc. from the stores back to the 10 regional operations centers of the cooperatives. Therefore, with the expected return volumes in the retail trade, additional trips would have to be made with trucks to cope with the volume. However, Migros does not categorically reject the collection of beverage cartons. If the infrastructural, technical and financial hurdles can be overcome, the ecological balance improves and there is a great customer need, Migros will reconsider the introduction of a voluntary collection of beverage cartons. Best regards Sebastian
It would be great if you could offer organic whole milk in the white bottle in your online shop. This would enable our household to avoid a huge amount of waste from the BIO milk tetra packs. It would also be worth considering why two identical milks are offered in different packaging in the store! I'm talking about the BIO whole milk and milk drink.
2 years ago
Many waste disposal facilities accept Tetra packs. I don't know where you live, but Entsorgbar in the Mittelland does this, for example....
2 years ago
2 years ago
Many waste disposal facilities accept Tetra packs. I don't know where you live, but Entsorgbar in the Mittelland does this, for example....
As I see it, the recycling of drinks cartons will remain a marginal phenomenon at best for a long time to come. In the past, Aldi collected them for a short time, but then stopped again. According to https://www.info.getraenkekarton.ch/sammeln, for example, there is not a single collection point even in the entire city of Bern and the surrounding area. Processing is very time-consuming and probably too expensive, especially in view of the relatively small quantities compared to PET or glass, for example. Hopefully, all the cardboard boxes collected will actually be recycled.
2 years ago
2 years ago
It would be great if you could offer organic whole milk in the white bottle in your online shop. This would enable our household to avoid a huge amount of waste from the BIO milk tetra packs. It would also be worth considering why two identical milks are offered in different packaging in the store! I'm talking about the BIO whole milk and milk drink.
Hello lamahu, thank you very much for your input. With regard to the online offer, I would ask you to submit your proposal directly to the relevant specialist department. This is because the supermarket is managed independently. You can find the contact details here. I will clarify your idea with regard to the different packaging formats. As soon as I know more, I'll get back to you. Best regards, Tabea