We make kings

Wir machen Könige

4 years ago


What does the crowned head get to do in your house?Eat all the rest of the Epiphany cake? Stay up an extra hour all week? Tell us what the queen or king is allowed to do in your home. Click on the answer button at the bottom right and tell us in your comment what your Epiphany custom is. We're excited! Win one of 20 Migros gift cards worth 50 francs each. Your answer automatically enters you into the prize draw. The closing date for entries is January 11, 2021, after which the winners will be drawn at random and notified by us in writing by mid-January. The competition is organized by the Federation of Migros Cooperatives.The cake makes the kingEpiphany cake with raisinsOrganic Epiphany cake with raisinsEpiphany cake with chocolate The following applies to all Epiphany cakes: while stocks last.
