Hello dear Migros team↵↵I would like to see keto-compliant foods available at Migros. It must be common knowledge by now that sugar is unhealthy. In the USA, they've already come a long way with K E T O products. Low carb high fat bars, ice cream, yogurt, bread, energy drinks and much more. ↵Because the market doesn't offer it here, you have to prepare a lot of things yourself. Sometimes it would just be nice to be able to buy something that conforms in the store. ↵It's a shame that's not possible here in Switzerland. I'm a Migros child, so I'm turning to you with my wish. ↵I'm sure there would be a lot of demand. K e t o products are often purchased online. I'd love to find some in Migros. ↵Light products or protein products with lots of sugar are not the solution. (As many names as sugar has, it doesn't make it easy for consumers.)↵Last time I bought a bar, it had almost no carbohydrates. Until I found out what isomalto-oligosaccharides are. Worse than sugar, but is declared as a dietary fiber 😱 ↵It would be time to go in the direction of low carb high fat😄