Why is the raspberry campaign nowhere to be seen?
Why is the raspberry campaign nowhere to be seen?
3 years ago
3 years ago
Who buys raspberries now?
People who want to eat fresh raspberries now ;-) (frozen raspberries are usually only good for smoothies, I don't think they're good for defrosting and then eating, they're actually just mush, fresh raspberries are much better for eating) The raspberries from Spain are cheap and taste great, just like the strawberries from Spain (I'm sorry to say that the Swiss produce can't keep up in terms of price or taste, perhaps with a few exceptions. Apart from that, everyone should decide for themselves what they want to eat/buy.
3 years ago
3 years ago
If you believe that workers there are exploited and women are raped, a nature reserve that is important for migratory birds is destroyed, then the berries must taste delicious and be so cheap yummy yummy yummy. Guaranteed naturally grown without chemicals at this price mmmmhjamm feiiin😉
Just so I understand correctly: in Spain, workers are exploited and women are raped. What is this generalization based on?
3 years ago
3 years ago
Oke sorry for the off topic to everyone, the question about the actions has been clarified that it is not Switzerland-wide, so I am free to go off-topic on the question: Here is the report on nature, which is a few years old and meanwhile the destruction is happening because of all the illegal wells that drain the swamp https://m.srf.ch/news/panorama/wassernotstand-in-andalusien-erdbeeren-auf-kosten-der-zugvoegel https://www.br.de/radio/br24/sendungen/aus-landwirtschaft-und-umwelt/erdbeeren-huelva-bewaesserung-100.html On slavery and the rape of women without rights SRF writes: The bitter aftertaste of sweet strawberries from Spain Strawberries are a pleasure. Unless the women who picked them were raped by their bosses. https://www.srf.ch/news/wirtschaft/erntehelferinnen-aus-marokko-der-bittere-nachgeschmack-der-suessen-erdbeeren-aus-spanien SRF continues: Abortions: In Palos de la Frontera, where the region's hospital is located, the abortion rate is high. In 2016, 185 abortions were carried out, 90 percent of which were requested by migrant workers, says Josefa Mora Gomez, a social worker at a health center in Huelva. She has to approve every abortion request. She assumes that many women have become pregnant after being raped by their employers. Here are more reports from harvest workers https://m.tagesspiegel.de/gesellschaft/panorama/proteste-von-marokkanerinnen-pflueckerinnen-fuehlen-sich-in-spanien-wie-sklaven/22755854.html https://www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de/erdbeerpfluecken-in-spanien-eine-moderne-art-der-sklaverei-100.html There are countless links, including to the protests for more rights that went unheard, and reports from reputable portals. Feel free to copy more. Don't listen to my words, which you find baseless accusations, read the words of those affected, of the women who suffer injustice and the evidence of what happens there. Everyone should be free to buy berries when and where they want, but closing your eyes is not right. Migros will talk its way out of it, which is understandable, but the reality remains the same. Wünsch en guete bei den süssen Beerchen aus Spanien😉😉😉😉
The best thing would probably be for no wholesalers to import such harmful berries into Switzerland, so that they are no longer available here and nobody can buy them. And the best thing would be for the rest of the world to do the same, so that no one imports such problematic fruit and vegetables, meat, eggs etc. and then the problems you described would no longer exist, because these products would no longer be produced due to the lack of demand... And everything is great...