Question about Organic ground cardamom

Frage zu Bio Kardamom gemahlen

I even miss the organic ground cardamom (item no. 106286500000) in the largest stores (e.g. MMM Oberland Thun). Will this product be back in the stores, or has it been removed from the range?

All replies (12)

Good morning @hugorossi

No! It's still in the range! According to store inquiries, which unfortunately can only be relied on to a limited extent as they are not updated daily, you should be able to find the spice in Hünibach, Hilterfingen and Spiez-Terminus. When I bought the cardamom in MMM Center Brügg, it should not have been available according to the query.

Best regards


Thank you for the information, Frederica.

Hi there, hugorossi is right: we no longer offer organic cardamom as you know it. Only remaining stocks are still available in our stores.

Feedback from our customers shows that they want spice portions with less content. Surveys with over 400 participants confirm this wish. For this reason, we have decided to add LeChef spice sticks to our range. We are now offering organic cardamom in small sticks that are easy to use and save space: We are thus reducing food waste caused by spices that are thrown away and not used for a long time. The new packaging prevents clumping. And thanks to the newly gained shelf space, you can store a greater variety of spices at home. Best regards, Sina

Of course, this comes with a hefty surcharge! If I extrapolate the new product to the quantity of the previous one, the same quantity now costs Fr. 6.05 -- previously Fr. 2.10!!!!! What a cheek! ?

hugorossi, I understand your anger very well! However, the advantages of the new sticks mentioned earlier clearly outweigh the disadvantages. The price is due to two factors. Firstly, the production of the sticks requires a great deal of technological effort. They can no longer be produced at the same speed as the old jars and the effort involved is significantly greater. Secondly, filling them into smaller portions is more time-consuming. Before we decided on the new range, we conducted the aforementioned survey. Of course, the price was also an important point of criticism. All in all, the sticks meet customer demand for more sustainability and benefits in the kitchen. Best regards, Sina

It is no longer available in Wil SG, but according to the Internet it is. It's cheeky to simply remove this popular spice. I need it so much.

That's a huge cheek! I've never had a spice go lumpy. That's another lame excuse! Survey: where? With people who never use the spice! Migros is guilty of grooming so many customers and always justifies itself with lame excuses. This has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with customer friendliness. Other people are dismissed if they react like this...

Dear Sina,

Can you please tell me whether this product is available in the Alnatura store in Bern:
2018-12-07 21_07_16-Clipboard.jpg
Thank you very much.

Another of the many steps Migros has already taken towards becoming a hipster store. You are making yourselves quite dispensable for a not inconsiderable proportion of customers who have been loyal for decades.

Hi hugorossi, we do not have access to the stock levels of Alnatura stores. I recommend that you contact the store by phone before your visit. Best regards, Sina