Animal Planet Mania Stickers - Forum-Tauschstube
Animal Planet Mania Sticker – Foren-Tauschstube
Edit : Please
read !
I thought that this thread should be exclusively about the exchange of stickers between forum members. Arrangement for handing over/shipping by letter post via PN.
For a good overview of supply and demand, I have opened a list where everyone can register:
*Address edited away*
Please edit your details regularly and check when you receive new stickers or give some away (click on the pencil next to your pseudo).
No registration is necessary. If you already have an account at, it is best to log out to participate to make sure that no e-mail addresses appear on the list.
As soon as you no longer want to participate/be disturbed by PNs, you can click on the editing pencil to the right of your pseudo and then on the trash can to the left of your name to delete your line.
I wish you all a happy sticker exchange !