100,000 ADSL routers in the trash? (M Budget DSL)
100'000 ADSL Router in den Müll? (M Budget DSL)
Dear Migros
I got a new router for M Budget DSL and would now like to give the old router I bought to someone who could use it. To do this, he needs a new firmware, as your firmware does not allow configuration for other providers.
Your Service Center replied:
> The Netgear router you are talking about cannot be configured or unlocked.
> However, it is compatible with ADSL technology. Thank you for your understanding.
From the cryptic answer I conclude that I should dispose of the fully functional router with "understanding". Is that so?
Simply declaring 100,000 fully functional routers as waste is not sustainable. I'm used to different things from Migros. I have no understanding for that!
Please tell me how I can continue to use my fully paid-for and fully functional Netgear router.
I am grateful for any help
P.S. service.center m-budget-dsl ticket 10152715