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Is this beer actually 0.0 per mille or does it still have some residual alcohol? Unfortunately I don't know that much... but it would fit in well with MIGROS if they had a 0.0 per mille beer in their range :)
According to the declaration on the Feldschlösschen website, the alcohol content is 0.5 per mille. http://www.feldschloesschen.ch/unsere-biere#alkoholfrei
So you might have 0.5 per mille if you drink 1-2 normal beers, this one has 0.5 percent alcohol by volume, like most "non-alcoholic" beers. This is normal, presumably to protect the manufacturer. But there really are supposed to be alcohol-free beers.
Hello Glatt-Mann, thank you for contacting us. The Feldschlösschen Alkoholfrei has a residual alcohol content below the legal limit of max. 0.5 %. We can otherwise recommend the Eichhof Radler (item no. 1213.255). This contains no residual alcohol (0.0 %). Best regards, your M-Infoline team
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