Farmer's Best IP-Suisse Rahmspinat

  • Label: Swissness
2.20 CHF|240g

Farmer's Best IP-Suisse Rahmspinat

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1 question

4 years ago

Is the cream used to prepare "creamed spinach" pasteurized?

4 years ago

Hello layla_lana, thank you for your question. We are pleased to confirm that the cream used in this product is pasteurized. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

9 months ago

has the taste been changed? the taste is different. my daughter no longer eats the spinst. before she could never get enough...a pity

9 months ago

Hello slias, thank you for your question. The last change we made was in spring 2022, when we removed the sugar from the recipe. Best regards, your M-Infoline team