
  • Brand: Migros Fresca
4.95 CHF|2kg


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1 question

2 years ago

When will we be able to eat clementines not treated with potentially dangerous products AND sourced in Italy?

2 years ago


Hi Maiky1, both conventional and organic citrus can be treated before harvest. The means that can be used are clearly regulated and strictly controlled. We offer organic clementines from Spain and Italy. Conventional clementines come from Spain. Best regards, your M-Infoline team.

2 years ago

Thanks for the reply. I am informed about the concessions of treatments under the law (which favor quantity at the expense of quality) - the cultivation methods (organic or conventional) in Spain and Italy are NOT the same. at Migros I would prefer to find better quality (more ethical cultivation and transportation, with less pesticides and fungicides) fruits and vegetables, obviously at a (rightly) higher price.