Chiefs Protein Pudding Choco

  • Brand: Chiefs
2.80 CHF|200g

Chiefs Protein Pudding Choco

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2 questions

3 years ago

Grüezi. Are the flavors and E407 carrageenan alcohol-free (e.g. ethanol?) and otherwise also alcohol-free? Many thanks and best regards

3 years ago

Hello fatihoeztuerk, thank you for the question. The flavoring used is originally slightly ethanol-based. During production, the puddings are heated and this raw material is completely volatilized. This means that any residual quantities in the end product are negligible or no longer detectable. This is why the raw material does not have to be declared. Otherwise, the product does not contain any alcohol-based ingredients. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

4 years ago

I can't find the puddings anywhere. Why is the product not available in any store?

4 years ago

Hello mziesack, thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately, Chief Puddings are no longer available in the Zurich cooperative. We recommend the Oh! High Puddings as an alternative. Best regards, your M-Infoline team