Blévita Tarte Flambée Style
Brand: Blévita

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5 questions
Hello In the list of ingredients, the ingredient flavoring is listed, is this produced with alcohol as a carrier? Kind regards
Hello Altun, thank you for your question. This product does not contain alcohol as a carrier. Best regards, your M-Infoline team
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Why does it have bacon in the picture and is it labeled vegetarian on the back?
These are mostly symbol images...and it also says Flammkuchenstyle and not Flammkuchen, so the information on the packaging is correct
And that is not clearly recognizable as bacon for me... could also be the vegetables
Hello Flammkuchen_93, thank you for the question. The picture of the tarte flambée on the packaging refers to the "tarte flambée style". We have a pea protein product in it as an alternative to bacon. It is not clear from the picture that it is bacon on the tarte flambée slice. It could also be burnt onions or this pea protein product. Best regards, your M-Infoline team
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I hope they stay! And will also be available in large packs!!!!?
Hello miakatze05, thank you for your contribution. We're delighted that you like the Blévita tarte flambée! There are currently no plans to discontinue this product. We were also happy to take your suggestion about the bulk pack campaign to the specialist department. Best regards, your M-Infoline team
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Do these Blevita also contain milk powder or cheese? Why can't we do without these suffering animal products? New products should also be more ecologically progressive, shouldn't they?
Hello pkclaman, thank you for your question. When developing this Blévita, which was selected by the Migipedia community, we followed the recipes for tarte flambée closely. Crème fraiche is always used for the topping of a tarte flambée. For this reason, we have also tried to implement this in Blévita tarte flambée. Accordingly, this limited edition is not vegan. Best regards, your M-Infoline team
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New product again with unnecessary sugar! Migros contradicts itself once again!