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I bought this meat and it has the code CH88665949 on the packaging. But can't find a manufacturer? Can you help me?
Good morning Kim_myBusinesses that produce, process, treat, store or dispense food of animal origin require a permit. This is issued by the competent cantonal enforcement authority. The permit is linked to the possibility of exporting to the EU. Permit no.: 88665949Best regards Frederica
The code on the packaging as mentioned above does not lead to the manufacturer of the product? It says CH in front of the number? Then it is only about the authorization and the farmer of the meat is not declared? I have taken a photo of the label, where can I send it to Migros to find out exactly what CH88665949 means?
Hello Kim_my, thank you for your message. We would like to check your request in more detail. Please get in touch with the photo via our contact form. Best regards, your M-Infoline team
Hi Kim_my, the CH number on the packaging is the so-called authorization number for food businesses. In this case, it is the authorization number of Micarna, located in Schönbühl, Bern. The farm where the animal was reared does not have to be declared on the packaging. However, traceability must be ensured via the producer, in this case via Micarna. Kind regards, your M-Infoline team
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