Aus der Region Schweizer Honig

18.95 CHF|500g

Aus der Region Schweizer Honig

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1 question

3 years ago

Is that honey from bees?

3 years ago

Who else would it be from? 🤔

3 years ago

While flower honey consists mainly of flower nectar, bees collect honeydew for forest honey. Honeydew is a sugary substance and is excreted by plant-sucking insects, especially plant lice. These feed on the sap of various deciduous and coniferous trees. The name forest honey comes from the fact that honeydew is mainly found on the forest trees spruce, oak and fir.

3 years ago

Hello Yuni82 Thank you for contacting us. Swiss honey is usually harvested as a blend of blossom and forest honey. This means that it is a mixture of blossom honey and forest honey and therefore has its typical aroma. The bees collect flower nectar from a wide variety of flowers for the blossom honey and honeydew from deciduous and coniferous trees in the forest for the forest honey. We hope that we have answered your questions and wish you a pleasant rest of the summer. Best wishes, your M-Infoline team