Anna's Best Randen gedämpft geschält

4.10 CHF|1 kg

Anna's Best Randen gedämpft geschält

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1 question

2 years ago

Is it normal for the beetroot juice to gel around the edges? It is very tough and you have to rinse it off first. I bought the beetroot fresh and it still keeps well. I know the juice from cooked and pasteurized beetroot is only liquid.

2 years ago

Hello Mimamu99, thank you for your message. We are sorry that the consistency of the juice is causing uncertainty. We will be happy to look into your comment. For further clarification, please send us the best-before date and the batch number (starting with L). Best regards, your M-Infoline team

2 years ago

07.01.2022 bought in Migros Horw. I don't see a batch number. Is it: 1311.201?

2 years ago


Hello Mimamu99, thank you very much for your quick response. The batch number is located near the best-before date. It is a mixture of numbers and letters. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

2 years ago

I am sorry, such a number is not on the product.

2 years ago


Hello Mimamu99, thank you very much for your feedback. We are not yet aware of this phenomenon. The peeled beetroot is packed raw and pasteurized in the bag. That's why there is always beetroot juice in the bag. Without pictures, however, we cannot judge whether the consistency of the juice in this bag was different than usual. We checked the retained samples and the production logs, but could not find any deviations. We also purchase the raw materials from the same producer all year round. Unfortunately, we are therefore unable to give you a definitive answer. Please get in touch with photos via our contact form if you notice a strange juice again. Best regards, your M-Infoline team